This is a Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) Basic Course, and will thus be taught in
This is the first course of the course series (Studienschwerpunkt) Diskrete Strukturen.
It will be continued by Graphentheorie/Graph Theory (Diskrete
Strukturen II), winter term 25/26, and a more specialized course
Diskrete Strukturen III in the summer term 2026.
PrePractice sheet
[pdf] This sheet is optional. However, we recommend thinking about the problems.
Exercises marked with a star (*) are especially hard and give extra points.
Terms to receive a certificate / credit-points:
At the beginning of every tutorial every participant has to mark in a
list, which exercises of the current sheet she/he solved and is able
to present. Then for every exercise one of the participants is chosen to present it.
We expect better
presentations and solutions of Master- and BMS students, compared to
the ones acceptable from Bachelor students.
To complete
the Modul, participants have to pass an oral exam.