
Wintersemester 2011/12
Prof. Stefan Felsner

LV-Nr.: 3236 L 229
Di 8-10, MA 141
Di 12-14, MA 144


Erste Vorlesung Dienstag 18. Oktober.


Der besondere Reiz der Graphentheorie liegt in ihrer Anschaulichkeit und der Vielfalt der verwendbaren Beweistechniken. Graphentheoretische Modelle finden Anwendungen in vielen Bereichen der Natur-, Sozial- und Ingenieurwissenschaften.

In dieser Vorlesung werden grundlegende Konzepte wie Zusammenhang, Matchings, Planarität und Färbungen vorgestellt.


Studentinnen und Studenten der Mathematik, Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik und der Informatik.
Diese Vorlesung ist Teil des Studienschwerpunkts
Diskrete Strukturen


English tutorial: Thursday, 10:15 - 11:45, in E-N 181
German tutorial: Thursday, 12:15 - 13:45 in MA 651

tutorials start at 20.10.2011

Daniel Heldt

Terms to recieve a certificate / credit-points:

At the beginning of every tutorial every participant has to mark in a list, which exercises of the actual sheet she/he solved and is able to present. If somebody marks an exercise she/he is not able to present in a satisfying way, ALL exercises of this sheet will be disregarded and therefore not counted (also, each exercise is only counted once, even if presented in both tutorials). We expect a better presentation and solutions of master- and BMS students, compared to the ones, acceptable from bachelor students. Besides the exercises to present, there is every week one exercise which has to be handed in in written form. This exercise will be corrected as usual. To recieve a certificate for the tutorials (Schein), you have to solve at least 50% of the exercises including the written exercises.
To complete the modul participants have to pass an additional oral exam. Exams will take place on February, 16th and February 22th, 2012. Please contact Kolja Knauer to make an appointment and give him the yellow formular from the "Prüfungsamt". Additional date for oral exams is April 03th, 04th, and 05th, 2012. Furthermore the certificates can be fetched at Frau Klink's Office, MA501

Exercise Sheets:

  1. sheet [pdf] [ps] (Keine Abgabe/Pflichbearbeitung, nur als Einstimmung gedacht)
  2. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  3. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  4. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  5. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  6. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  7. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  8. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  9. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  10. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  11. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  12. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  13. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  14. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  15. sheet [pdf] [ps]
  16. sheet [pdf] [ps]


Zur Begleitung der Vorlesung empfehle ich:
Ergänzende Literatur.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 14. Februar 2012