About the seminar:
This is a Discrete Mathematics Seminar with weekly talks followed by discussion and lunch. The sessions are informal,
talks have a duration of about 40 minutes and treat discrete topics the speakers like or have been working on.
Everybody is welcome to participate. If you would like to give a talk, let us know.
Presentations can be in person or vitual and can be made accessible online via zoom.
Default time and location: Fridays, 12:00-12:45, MA 875.
Contact: Yan Alves Radtke <alves@math.tu-berlin.de>Next Talk: TBA
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA
Talks in 2025:
Jan 24, 2025: Ekin Ergen; "Online Makespan Scheduling Under Scenarios"
Jan 24, 2025: Julian Marx; "Beiträge zum Zählen von Bäumen auf Punktmengen"
Jan 17, 2025: James Davies; " Frame matroids with a distinguished frame element "
Jan 10, 2025: Felix Schröder; "The Beer Index and Related Convexity Measures"
Talks in 2024:
Nov 22, 2024: Stefan Felsner; "Fast and Simple Sorting Using Partial Information"
Nov 15, 2024: Robert Lauff; "On triangular separation of bichromatic point sets"
Nov 08, 2024: Vesna Iršič Chenoweth; "Burning game"
Nov 01, 2024: Yan Alves Radtke; "Signotopes and Pseudoconfigurations"
Oct 24, 2024: Alexandra Wesolek; "Turán-good graphs"
Jun 28, 2024: Stefan Felsner; "Drawings of products of cycles"
Jun 21, 2024: Silas Rathke; " On the maximum diameter of d-dimensional simplicial complexes"
May 24, 2024: Yan Alves Radtke; "Signotopes: Pseudoconfigurations and Extensions"
May 17, 2024: Manfred Scheucher; "Saturation results around the Erdős-Szekeres problem"
May 03, 2024: Robert Lauff; "Trees in Planar Graphs"
Apr 26, 2024: Hannes Tarun; "Konstruktion und Geometrische Repräsentationen dreiecksfreier Graphen mit hoher chromatischer Zahl" (Wiederholung)
Apr 19, 2024: Todor Antić; "Star-Forest Decompositions of Complete (Geometric) Graphs"
Apr 12, 2024: Miriam Goetze; "Recognition Complexity of Subgraphs of 2- and 3-Connected Planar Cubic Graphs"
Apr 5, 2024: Lucca Tiemens; "A balanced Transposition Grey Code for the Symmetric Group and on SCDs for the Permutahedron of Order 5 and below"
Mar 22, 2024: Hannes Tarun; "Konstruktion und Geometrische Repräsentationen dreiecksfreier Graphen mit hoher chromatischer Zahl"
Mar 1, 2024: Sandro Roch; "Exact covering with unit disks"
Feb 23, 2024: Alexandra Wesolek; Reconfiguration of plane trees in convex geometric graphs
Jan 26, 2024: Malin Heinacher; "Trees and co-trees in planar graphs"
Jan 12, 2024: Raphael Steiner; "Chromatic number is not tournament-local"
Talks in 2023:
Dez 22, 2023: Robert Lauff; "Facet hamiltonian paths in graph associahedra of complete bipartite graphs (and maybe trees)"
Dez 15, 2023: Stefan Felsner; "On digons in arrangements of (pseudo)circles"
Dez 01, 2023: Manfred Scheucher; "On the empty hexagon theorem"
Nov 24, 2023: Maximilian Wittmann, "The Dimension of Products of Orders"
Nov 17, 2023: Helena Bergold, "Plane Hamiltonian cycles and paths in convex drawings"
Nov 10, 2023: Vesna Iršič, "Domination of subcubic planar graphs with large girth"
Nov 3, 2023: Sandro Roch, "Coloring problems on arrangements of pseudolines" [Slides]
Oct 27, 2023: Alexandra Wesolek, "Cops and robber game on surfaces"
Oct 20, 2023: Stefan Felsner, "Triangulations and partial triangulations: flips and counting"
Oct 6, 2023: Rimma Hämäläinen, "Few Slopes Without Collinearity"
Sep 29, 2023: Felix Schröder, "Edge density of RAC graphs"
Sep 08, 2023: Julian Sampels, "Zählen von Elimination Trees"
Sep 01, 2023: Julian Pfeifle, "Different embeddings of the Grassmannian, applied to realization problems"
Aug 25, 2023: Robert Lauff, "Facet guarding cycles in graph associahedra"
Jul 28, 2023: Ekin Ergen, "Total completion time scheduling under scenarios"
Jul 21, 2023: Felix Schröder, "A new Lemma for proving density bounds of beyond-planar graphs"
Jul 14, 2023: Sandro Roch, "A general lower bound on the mixing time of Glauber dynamics" [Slides]
Jun 30, 2023: Robert Lauff, "Facet guarding cycles in graph associahedra"
Jun 16, 2023: Stefan Felsner, "Geometric representations of signotopes"
Jun 09, 2023: Yan Alves Radke, "On the connectivity of the flipgraph of pseudoline arrangements"
Jun 02, 2023: Helena Bergold, "Strong Erdős-Hajnal properties in chordal graphs"
May 26, 2023: Rimma Hämäläinen, "Area Proportionality of Euler diagrams"
May 19, 2023: Felix Schöder, "Gons and Holes in Projective Point Sets (Part 2)"
May 05, 2023: Sandro Roch, "Block coupling on k-heights" [Slides]
Apr 28, 2023: Anna Barkova, "Geometrische Realisierbarkeit der Repräsentation von Graphen mit polygonalen Flächen"
Apr 21, 2023: Robert Lauff, "Three nice riddles"
Apr 14, 2023: Stefan Felsner, "Partial orders induced by rectangulations"
Feb 24, 2023: Manfred Scheucher, "SAT encodings for planarity and other graph properties"
Feb 17, 2023: Robin Chemnitz, "Markov chain methods for nowhere-zero flows"
Feb 16, 2023: Fernando Cortés Kühnast, "On the Number of Arrangements of Pseudolines"
Feb 16, 2023: Jasmin Lindner, "Lohnt es sich, längste Ketten zu suchen? – Approximieren von Kettenzerlegungen mit Greedy und First-Fit"
Feb 03, 2023: Emmanuel Silva, "Consecutive pattern-avoidance in Catalan words according to the last symbol"
Jan 27, 2023: Rimma Hämäläinen, "On Subdivision Numbers of Triangulations and Equiareality"
Jan 20, 2023: Felix Schröder, "Introduction to Nowhere zero flows"
Jan 13, 2023: Sandro Roch, "Introduction to hyperplane arrangements" [Slides]
Jan 06, 2023: Robert Lauff, "Plus und Minus: Zur Kombinatorik von Signotopen"
Talks in 2022:
Dez 16, 2022: Louis Borchert, "Hamiltonkreise in Mindestabstandsgraphen in der euklidischen Ebene"
Dez 01, 2022: Felix Schröder, "Completing Partial Generalized Signotopes is NP-hard"
Nov 18, 2022: Manfred Scheucher, "Isomorphism of point sets"
Nov 11, 2022: Stefan Felsner, "The flip-graph of arrangements of pairwise intersecting pseudocircles"
Nov 04, 2022: Helena Bergold, "Holes in Convex Drawings of $K_n$"
Oct 28, 2022: Manfred Scheucher, "Plane Hamiltonian Cycles in Convex Drawings of $K_n$"
Oct 21, 2022: Rimma Hämäläinen, "A Solution to a Problem About Bichromatic Configurations in the Plane"
Oct 14, 2022: Sandro Roch, "Introduction to Cluster Algebras" [Slides]
Oct 05, 2022: Paul Jungeblut, "The Air-Pressure Method for Area-Universality"
Sep 28, 2022: Felix Schröder, "Improper colorings of planar graphs"
Sep 23, 2022: Stefan Felsner, "Orthogonal convexity"
Sep 12, 2022: Melanie Reihl, "Zur Geradeüberdeckungszahl von Graphen"
Sep 02, 2022: Alex Nedev, "Partially ordered sets: structure and compact encoding"
Jul 29, 2022: Raphael Steiner, "Odd Hadwiger for line graphs"
Jul 22, 2022: Anton Dochtermann, "Homomorphism complexes and reconfiguration for digraphs"
Jul 22, 2022: Markus Kirchweger, "A SAT Attack on Rota's Basis Conjecture"
Jul 08, 2022: Stefan Felsner, "Convex tilings with given slopes"
Jul 01, 2022: Rimma Hämäläinen, "Graph Drawings with Few Slopes"
Jun 24, 2022: Torsten Mütze, "The Hamilton compression of highly symmetric graphs"
Jun 17, 2022: Hany Ibrahim, "Edge Contraction and Forbidden Induced Subgraph"
Jun 03, 2022: Johannes Obenaus, "Edge Partitions of Complete Geometric Graphs"
May 20, 2022: Helena Bergold, "Unavoidable patterns in complete simple topological graphs"
May 13, 2022: Rosna Paul, "Perfect matchings with crossings"
May 06, 2022: Markus Kirchweger, "A Beam Search for the Shortest Common Supersequence Problem Guided by an Approximate Expected Length Calculation"
Apr 29, 2022: Manfred Scheucher, "SAT, ASP, and Symmetry Breaking"
Apr 22, 2022: Sandro Roch, "Constructions in combinatorics via neuronal networks" [Slides]
Apr 08, 2022: Krishnendu Bhowmick, "Methods of Hypergraph Containers"
Apr 01, 2022: Felix Schröder, "Matroid depth parameters for integer programming"
Mar 25, 2022: Meghana M. Reddy, "Lions and Contamination"
Mar 18, 2022: Marcel Boesl, "Rechts-Links Pfade und ein Kriterium für Planarität"
Feb 25, 2022: Maximilian Gorsky, "Matching Theory, Hamiltonicity, and Barnette's Conjecture"
Feb 18, 2022: Svenja Griesbach, "Book Embeddings of Nonplanar Graphs with Small Faces in Few Pages"
Feb 11, 2022: Loïc Dubois, "Packness and Tree-Path indices"
Feb 04, 2022: Raphael Steiner, "Cycle lengths modulo k in expanders"
Jan 21, 2022: Stefan Felsner, "Box graphs with large girth and large chromatic number"
Jan 14, 2022: Manfred Scheucher, "The Big-Line-Big-Clique Conjecture"
Jan 07, 2022: Helena Bergold, "Colorings of oriented planar graphs avoiding a monochromatic subgraph"
Talks in 2021:
Dec 16, 2021: Sandro Roch, "Algorithms for sampling random pseudoline arrangements" [Slides]
Dec 10, 2021: Joris Wenzel, "Enforceable Drawings of Graphs"
Dec 03, 2021: Felix Schröder, "Asymmetry in Planar Ramsey Graphs"
Nov 26, 2021: Loïc Dubois, "Delaunay flips on flat tori"
Nov 19, 2021: Stefan Felsner, "Degrees of freedom and the speed of graph classes"
Nov 12, 2021: Torsten Mütze, "Star transposition Gray codes for multiset permutations"
Nov 05, 2021: Raphael Steiner, "Two notes on relatives of Hadwiger's conjecture "
Oct 29, 2021: Manfred Scheucher, "Gons and Holes in Projective Point Sets (Part 1)"
Oct 22, 2021: Laura Merker, "A Sublinear Bound on the Page Number of Upward Planar Graphs"
Oct 01, 2021: Helena Bergold, "Higher Dimensional Signotopes"
Sep 24, 2021: Lilli Leifheit, "Rechteckzerlegungen und Baxterpermutationen"
Jul 16, 2021: Felix Schröder, "Density of Fan-Planar Graphs"
Jul 09, 2021: Shagnik Das, "Isomorphic bisections of cubic graphs"
Jul 02, 2021: Raphael Steiner, "Polynomial bound for divisible subdivisions"
Jun 25, 2021: Tim Bastian, "Listenfärbbarkeit von Arrangement-Graphen"
Jun 18, 2021: Sebastian Wiederrecht, "Even Circuits in Oriented Matroids"
Jun 11, 2021: Niklas Affolter, "Triple Crossing Diagrams (TCDs) and some Posets"
Jun 04, 2021: Stefan Felsner, "Counting Plane Partitions - Kuo's proof of the MacMahon formula"
Mai 28, 2021: Arturo Merino, "Generation of elimination trees and Hamilton paths on graph associahedra"
Mai 21, 2021: Raphael Steiner, "Disjoint cycles with length constraints in digraphs"
Mai 07, 2021: Maximilian Gorsky, "k-Outerplanarity and Poset Dimension"
Apr 30, 2021: Felix Schröder, "Two extensions of the Erdös–Szekeres problem"
Apr 23, 2021: Lisa Schottstädt, "Unique Sink Orientierungen und Anwendungen"
Apr 16, 2021: Stefan Felsner, "Triangles and Lenses in Arrangements of Pseudocircles"
Mar 26, 2021: Eugenia Sinatti, "Zirkuläre chromatische Zahl von zirkulierenden Graphen"
Mar 12, 2021: Felix Schröder, "Actual coloring numbers"
Mar 05, 2021: Raphael Steiner, "Zero sum cycles in group-labelled complete digraphs"
Feb 19, 2021: Manfred Scheucher, "Tight bounds on the expected number of holes in random point sets"
Feb 12, 2021: Stefan Felsner, "Flip structures and the 4 color theorem"
Feb 05, 2021: Matthias Täufer, "Group testing, Steiner Systems and Reed-Solomon Codes"
Jan 28, 2021: Julian Schick, "Der Flipgraph von Split und Merge auf Schnyder Woods"
Jan 21, 2021: Kaja Wille, "Queue and Stack Layouts of partial orders"
Jan 14, 2021: Raphael Steiner, "Complete minors via dichromatic number"
Jan 07, 2021: Felix Schröder, "A characterization of always solvable trees in Lights Out game and the activation numbers of vertices"
Talks in 2020:
Dec 17, 2020: Raphael Steiner, "Towards the Directed Gyarfas-Sumner Conjecture"
Dec 03, 2020: Rahul Jain, "Space-efficient algorithm for the grid graph reachability"
Nov 26, 2020: Stefan Felsner, "Crossings in star-simple drawings"
Nov 19, 2020: Charlotte Lenz, "Zeichnungen vollständiger Graphen und ihre Gap-Planarität"
Nov 12, 2020: Florian Oberender, "Drawings of acyclic digraphs: Algorithmic aspects"
Nov 05, 2020: Jonathan Rollin, "Edge-Minimum Saturated k-Planar Drawings (of Multigraphs)"
Oct 29, 2020: Raphael Steiner, "3-Coloring Arrangements of Great-Circles: Partial Results"
Oct 15, 2020: Lamar Chidiac, "A lower bound of the number of independent hyperplanes in oriented paving matroids"
Oct 08, 2020: Leonie Selbach, "Partition algorithms for weighted cactus graphs"
Oct 02, 2020: Felix Schröder, "Crossing-critical graphs, the bounded degree conjecture and the number 13"
Sep 17, 2020: Johanna Wiehe, "The chromatic polynomial of a digraph"
Sep 07, 2020: Maximilian Wittmann, "On deletion-perfect families of permutations"
Sep 04, 2020: Winfried Hochstättler, "Computing Shapley values and elements from the core"
Aug 27, 2020: William T. Trotter, "Towards a Proof of the Removable Pair Conjecture"
Aug 20, 2020: Stefan Felsner, "Not all planar graphs are in PURE-4-DIR"
Aug 13, 2020: Martin Balko, "On ordered Ramsey numbers of tripartite 3-uniform hypergraphs"
Jul 09, 2020: Torsten Mütze, "On flips in planar matchings"
Jul 02, 2020: Manfred Scheucher, "On the Number of Order Types"
Jun 18, 2020: Helena Bergold, "Neighborhood polynomial in chordal graphs"
Jun 12, 2020: Raphael Steiner, "Subdivisions in dense digraphs"
Jun 05, 2020: Jonathan Rollin, "Sparse Ordered Ramsey Graphs"
May 29, 2020: Felix Schröder, "A better approximation for the longest non-crossing spanning tree of a point set"
May 21, 2020: Stefan Felsner, "Bundeling crossings of strings"
May 14, 2020: Jens M. Schmidt, "Dynamics of Cycles in Polyhedra I: The Isolation Lemma"
May 07, 2020: André Schulz, "Representing Graphs by Polygons with Side Contacts in 3D"
Apr 30, 2020: Raphael Steiner, "Strongly Pfaffian Graphs"
Apr 23, 2020: Manfred Scheucher, "7-gons in 3-space meet cadical"
Apr 17, 2020: Felix Schröder, "Enumeration of topological drawings of K_n"
Apr 09, 2020: Stefan Felsner, "Pseudolinear Drawings"
Apr 02, 2020: Piotr Micek, "Adjacency Labelling for Planar Graphs (and Beyond)"
Mar 12, 2020: Raphael Steiner, "Dichromatic number and forbidden subdivisions"
Feb 20, 2020: Jonathan Wolff, "Zur Kombinatorik von Stick-Graphen"
Feb 13, 2020: Manfred Scheucher, "Fast Computation of Chirotopes"
Jan 30, 2020: Felix Schröder, "3-face colorings and Tutte's 3-flow conjecture"
Jan 23, 2020: Max Richter, "Combinatorial properties of topological drawings of complete graphs"
Jan 16, 2020: Stefan Felsner, "Remarks on Plattenbauten"
Talks in 2019:
Dec 19, 2019: Raphael Steiner, "Another Brick in the Wall"
Dec 12, 2019: Erik Tadewaldt, "Superpermutations And Super-Patterns"
Nov 27, 2019: Günter Rote, "Enumerating and Counting Pseudoline Arrangements"
Nov 14, 2019: Torsten Mütze, "The central levels problem and symmetric chains in the hypercube"
Nov 07, 2019: Malte Renken, "What does the Cyclic Polytope have to do with Terrain Visibility Graphs?"
Oct 31, 2019: Manfred Scheucher, "Simple Topological Drawings, Rotation Systems, and SAT Solvers"
Oct 24, 2019: Manfred Scheucher, "Holes and islands in random point sets"
Oct 17, 2019: Felix Schröder, "Bichains - 7 equivalent formulations"
Oct 04, 2019: Raphael Steiner, "Majority Colourings of Sparse Digraphs"
Sep 26, 2019: Piotr Micek, "Graphs without long ladder minors"
Sep 16, 2019: Sophie Rehberg, "Verallgemeinerte Permutaeder und Hopf-Monoide"
Sep 09, 2019: Jonas Neukamm, "Straight-line-triangle-representstions und ihre Berechnung"
Sep 06, 2019: Stefan Felsner, "Circle graphs are quadratically chi-bounded"
Aug 13, 2019: Sandro Roch, "Sortieren in Netzwerken aus Stacks und Queues" [Slides]
Jul 12, 2019: Michelle Döring, "Flip Graphs, Topological Drawings and Separable Permutations"
Jul 05, 2019: Piotr Micek , "Weak coloring numbers of planar graphs"
Jun 28, 2019: Felix Schröder, "Spherical Thrackles and Conway's Conjecture"
Jun 14, 2019: Raphael Steiner, "Counterexamples to Hedetniemi's Conjecture"
May 31, 2019: Helena Bergold, "Hyperbolicity cones of elementary symmetric polynomials are spectrahedral"
May 24, 2019: Manfred Scheucher, "Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments"
May 17, 2019: Stefan Felsner, "Counting Linear Extensions"
May 09, 2019: Kolja Knauer, "Generating k-connected orientations"
May 03, 2019: Emanuel Hintze, "Universelle Wörter mit Jokersymbolen"
May 03, 2019: Raphael Steiner, "Odd Dijoins and Cut Minors"
Apr 26, 2019: Felix Schröder, "Bishellable Drawings of K_n"
Apr 18, 2019: Sophie Blasius, "Geschichtete Separatoren und ihre Anwendungen"
Apr 12, 2019: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Universal point sets for planar 3-trees"
Apr 05, 2019: Stefan Felsner, "Segment intersection representations of planar graphs"
Mar 29, 2019: Torsten Mütze, "Combinatorial generation via permutation languages"
Mar 22, 2019: Piotr Micek, "Planar graphs have bounded queue-number"
Mar 15, 2019: Raphael Steiner, "Universal Point Sets for Planar Graphs"
Mar 01, 2019: Manfred Scheucher, "A Generalization of the Erdős-Szekeres Theorem to Arrangements of Pseudocircles"
Feb 22, 2019: Helena Bergold, "A Combinatorial Extension of the Colorful Carathéodory"
Feb 15, 2019: Raphael Steiner, "Colouring Non-Even Digraphs"
Feb 08, 2019: Nils Engler, "On Cayley Graphs Generated by Permutations and Shifts"
Feb 01, 2019: Hans Niklas Jacob, "On the Generalized Middle Levels Problem"
Jan 18, 2019: Raphael Steiner, "On Woodall's Conjecture, Cyclic Base Orderings, Fractional Arboricity and Pseudosphere Arrangements"
Jan 11, 2019: Manfred Scheucher, "On Erdős-Szekeres Type Questions in $R^d$"
Talks in 2018:
Dez 14, 2018: Sara Zemljič, "The Sierpinski product of graphs"
Nov 30, 2018: Raphael Steiner, "Flip Distances between Graph Orientations"
Nov 16, 2018: Manfred Scheucher, "Using SAT Solvers in Combinatorics and Geometry"
Nov 09, 2018: Felix Schröder, "On the extendability of non-degenerate box configurations to tilings"
Nov 02, 2018: Raphael Steiner, "Metric Colourings of Graphs"
Oct 04, 2018: William T. Trotter, "Two Fundamentally Important Problems for Planar Posets"
Sep 07, 2018: Stefan Lendl, "Recoverable Robust Discrete Optimization"
Aug 31, 2018: Manfred Scheucher, "L-shaped Point Set Embeddings of Trees"
Aug 23, 2018: Raphael Steiner, "Star Dichromatic Number"
Aug 17, 2018: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "On grounded L-graphs and their relatives"
July 24, 2018: Marcel Milich, "Kreise für planare Matchings"
July 20, 2018: Martin Balko, "On Erdős-Szekeres-type problems for k-convex point sets"
July 10, 2018: Stephen Kobourov, "Multi-Level Steiner Tree"
June 29, 2018: Stefan Felsner, "Variationen über "Crossing Families""
June 22, 2018: Linda Kleist, "Convexity increasing morphs of planar graphs"
June 15, 2018: Felix Schröder, "Stand der Wissenschaft zur Borsuk-Vermutung und Max-Distance-Graphen"
May 25, 2018: Uwe Schauz, "The Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and List Edge Colorings of Graphs"
May 18, 2018: Kaja Wille, "Zerlegungen des Hyperwürfels in symmetrische Ketten"
May 11, 2018: Felix Schröder, "Zerlegungsgleichheit und die Dehn'sche Invariante"
May 04, 2018: Manfred Scheucher, "Arrangements of Pseudocircles: Triangles, Drawings, and Circularizability"
Apr 27, 2018: Patricia Franz, "Zur Komplexität von Sechseckskontaktdarstellungen"
Apr 20, 2018: Stefan Felsner, "A routing problem in arrangements with applications"
Apr 13, 2018: Felix Schröder, "On a crossing lemma for multigraphs"
Apr 06, 2018: Manfred Scheucher, "Partial Least-Squares Point Matching under Translations"
Mar 29, 2018: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Faster Algorithms for some Optimization Problems on Collinear Points"
Mar 15, 2018: Manfred Scheucher, "Minimal Geometric Graph Representations of Order Types"
Mar 01, 2018: Nadine Raasch, "Kontaktdarstellungen planarer Graphen mit Fünfecken"
Feb 23, 2018: Stefan Felsner, "Alternating permutations, Euler numbers and some bijections"
Feb 16, 2018: Linda Kleist, "Area-universality of triangulations"
Feb 09, 2018: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Universal slope sets for 1-bend planar drawings"
Jan 26, 2018: Bartosz Walczak, "Discrepancy of axis-parallel boxes"
Jan 19, 2018: Henning Heinrich, "Approaching area-universality"
Jan 12, 2018: Stefan Felsner, "Introduction to Placements of Rooks"
Talks in 2017:
Dec 08, 2017: Patrick Schnider, "Measures of depth for multiple points"
Dec 01, 2017: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Planar graphs as L-intersection graphs"
Nov 24, 2017: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Planar graphs as L-contact graphs"
Nov 17, 2017: Raphael Steiner, "Neumann-Lara-flows and the Two-Colour-Conjecture"
Nov 10, 2017: Bartosz Walczak, "Extending Partial Representations of Trapezoid Graphs"
Nov 03, 2017: Stefan Felsner, "More about Circle- and Pseudocirclearrangements"
Oct 27, 2017: Paul Wancura, "Rechteckszerlegungen auf Punktmengen"
Oct 20, 2017: Christoph Standke, "Zu Kodierung und Kreisbarkeit von Pseudokreisarrangements"
Oct 13, 2017: Linda Kleist, "On the Monge-Kontorovich transportation problem and Voronoi diagrams"
Oct 06, 2017: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Applications of a topological lemma in combinatorial geometry (circle packing, floorplans)"
Sep 22, 2017: Torsten Mütze, "A short proof of the middle levels theorem"
July 28, 2017: Stefan Felsner, "The chip firing game"
July 21, 2017: Linda Kleist, "Towards the Harary Hill conjecture"
June 16, 2017: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Maximum-area triangle in a convex polygon"
June 02, 2017: Stefan Felsner, "Maximum crossing number of cycles and bipartite graphs"
May 24, 2017: Linda Kleist, "Area-universal rectangular layouts"
May 19, 2017: Manfred Scheucher, "SageMath - Eine Kurzeinführung"
May 05, 2017: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Optimal Coding and Sampling of Triangulations"
April 27, 2017: Stefan Felsner, "Flipping Edges of Triangulations"
April 21, 2017: Till Miltzow, "The Art Gallery Problem is $\exists \mathbb{R}$-complete"
April 21, 2017: Michael Dobbins, "Stretching weighted pseudoline arrangements"
Mar 31, 2017: Linda Kleist, "Area-universality and $\forall\exists\mathbb R$ (\FER)-hardness"
Mar 24, 2017: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Morphing Schnyder drawings of plane triangulations"
Mar 03, 2017: Manfred Scheucher, "A superlinear lower bound on the number of 5-holes"
Feb 24, 2017: Janine Felten, "Sortieren mit partieller Information"
Feb 17, 2017: Kolja Knauer, "On lattice path matroid polytopes: integer points and Ehrhart polynomial"
Feb 10, 2017: Veit Wiechert, "Orthogonal tree decompositions and chromatic number"
Feb 03, 2017: Stefan Felsner, "Triangles in Arrangements"
Jan 27, 2017: Nikolai Kalischek, "Topologische Zeichnungen bipartiter Graphen"
Jan 20, 2017: Tom Trotter, "Trees and Circle Orders"
Talks in 2016:
Dec 15, 2016: Linda Kleist, "Equidissections of polygons"
Dec 9, 2016: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Squarability of rectangle arrangements"
Nov 30, 2016: Alexander Pilz, "Deciding monotonicity of complete topological graphs"
Nov 25, 2016: Veit Wiechert, "On the boxicity of graphs with no K_t minor"
Nov 18, 2016: Stefan Felsner, "Circle- and Pseudocirclearrangements"
Nov 3, 2016: Darius Wuttke, "Efficient algorithm for computing middle level Gray codes"
Oct 14, 2016: Linda Kleist, "Popular matchings"
Oct 7, 2016: Veit Wiechert, "Coloring, sparseness, and girth"
Aug 11, 2016: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Maximizing the Sum of Radii of Disjoint Balls or Disks"
Aug 5, 2016: Stefan Felsner, "Coloring Segments in Space"
July 22, 2016: Markus von der Heyde, "Rechtecks-Duale mit vorgegebenen Flächen"
July 8, 2016: Raman Sanyal, "Two double poset polytopes"
June 24, 2016: Franz Brandenburg, "Visibility Graphs of Geometric Objects"
June 20, 2016: Veit Wiechert, "Dominating Sets in Sparse Graphs"
June 10, 2016: Linda Kleist, "Union-closed set conjecture"
June 3, 2016: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "How to morph planar graph drawings"
May 20, 2016: Raphael Steiner, "Existenz und Konstruktion von Dreiecks- und Fünfeckskontaktdarstellungen"
May 19, 2016: Julia Kraus, "Magische Eigenschaften von Graphen"
May 13, 2016: Stefan Felsner, "On the Erdős-Szekeres convex polygon problem"
May, 4, 2016: Veit Wiechert, "Centered colorings and order dimension"
April 29, 2016: Stefanie Wendisch, "q-Catalan Zahlen"
April 22, 2016: Stefan Felsner, "A Geometric Approach to Acyclic Orientations"
April 18, 2016: Linda Kleist, "Decomposing graphs into trees"
March 18, 2016: Veit Wiechert, "On Graphs that have the Erdos-Posa Property"
March 4, 2016: Lena Krauss, "De Bruijn Graphen mit Eulerkreisen als Ansatz für DNA Fragment Assembly"
February 26, 2016: Stefan Felsner, "Embedding Graphs on Wheel Point Sets."
February 19, 2016: Katharina Hoffmann, "k-lokal planare Graphen."
February 5, 2016: Hendrik Schrezenmaier, "Ein neuer Existenzbeweis für Kontaktdarstellungen mit homothetischen gleichseitigen Dreiecken."
January 28, 2016: Veit Wiechert, "Improved bounds for the dimension of posets whose cover graphs have bounded treewidth."
January 22, 2016: Tom Trotter, "Posets and Dimension"
January 8, 2016: Linda Kleist, "Coloring Graphs on Surfaces."
Talks in 2015:
December 18, 2015: Tillmann Miltzow, "An Approximation Algorithm and Parameterized Hardness of the Art Gallery Problem."
December 11, 2015: Felix Seibert, "Square Dissections and Transversal Structures."
December 4, 2015: Franz Brandenburg, "Semi-bar 1-visibility graphs."
November 27, 2015: Udo Hoffmann, "Polygon obstacle representations of graphs."
November 20, 2015: Björn Kapelle, "Kontakt- und Schnittdarstellungen planarer Graphen."
November 13, 2015: Stefan Felsner, "Drawings of K_{r,n}."
October 30, 2015: Linda Kleist, "Drawing planar graphs with prescribed face areas."
October 23, 2015: Veit Wiechert, "Graphs with locally bounded treewidth."
October 16, 2015: Udo Hoffmann, "The slope number of graphs."
October 8, 2015: Stefan Felsner, "Strongly monotone drawings of planar graphs."
October 2, 2015: Torsten Mütze, "Bipartite Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian."
September 25, 2015: Felix Seibert, "An algorithm for square contact representations."
September 18, 2015: Linda Kleist, "Points in the plane and depth."
September 8, 2015: Veit Wiechert, "The dimension of planar posets."
August 28, 2015: Udo Hoffmann, "Illumination of polygons with vertex lights."
August 21, 2015: Stefan Felsner, "Arrangements of Pseudolines on Dual Arrangements"
August 13, 2015: Linda Kleist, "Counting annular non-crossing matchings."
July 17, 2015: Veit Wiechert, "Queue layouts of graphs with bounded treewidth."
July 10, 2015: Udo Hoffmann, "Slope minimization of segment intersection graphs."
July 3, 2015: Stefan Felsner, "Drawings of K_{2,n}."
June 19, 2015: Steve Chaplick, "Partial Bar Visibility Representation Extension."
June 12, 2015: Linda Kleist, "Rainbow Connectivity."
June 5, 2015: Udo Hoffmann, "Visibility graphs of pseudo-polygons."
May 28, 2015: Kolja Knauer, "Drawing graphs with vertices and edges in convex position"
May 13, 2015: Piotr Micek, "Sparsity and dimension."
May 8, 2015: Veit Wiechert, "Classes of graphs with bounded expansion: examples and characterizations."
April 24, 2015: Kolja Junginger: "1:d-Graphen: Eine Verallgemeinerung planarer Triangulierungen."
April 17, 2015: Stefan Felsner, "Hook-formulae"
April 10, 2015: Steve Chaplick, "Intersection Graphs of Non-Crossing Paths."
March 26, 2015: Linda Kleist, "Chromatic Art Gallery Problem"
March 13, 2015: Udo Hoffmann, "Catching light rays with mirrors"
March 6, 2015: Veit Wiechert, "A new proof for the Aztec diamond theorem."
February 27, 2015: Piotr Micek, "Computing dimension of bounded width posets"
February 20, 2015: Stefan Felsner, "Crossing Numbers and Rotation Systems"
February 13, 2015: Nieke Aerts, "Power line route optimization."
February 6, 2015: Steve Chaplick, "Drawing the Complete Graph with a Planar Subgraph"
January 30, 2015: Udo Hoffmann, "Obstacle Representations of Graphs"
January 16, 2015: Linda Kleist, "Long Paths in Line Arrangements."
January 9, 2015: Piotr Micek, "Posets and minors."
Talks in 2014:
December 12, 2014: Veit Wiechert, "Dimension and Standard Examples"
December 5, 2014: Alexander Hopp, "Topologische Bucheinbettungen planarer Graphen."
December 5, 2014: Christoph Standke, "The list chromatic index of 1-factorable graphs."
November 28, 2014: Stefan Felsner, "Independent and hitting sets of some classes of rectangle intersection graphs."
November 21, 2014: Steve Chaplick, "Overlap Representations of Planar Graphs"
November 14, 2014: Udo Hoffmann, "Point visibility graphs and the existential theory of the reals."
October 31, 2014: Kolja Knauer, "Orienting Triangulations."
October 24, 2014: Jonatan Krolikowski, "Refined counting of linear extensions of posets."
October 23, 2014: Benjamin Rahman, "Würfelkonstaktdarstellungen von Graphen."
September 19, 2014: Torsten Ueckerdt, "On-line coloring between two lines."
August 22, 2014: Udo Hoffmann, "Representations of point visibility graphs."
August 15, 2014: Tillmann Miltzow, "Token Swapping"
August 8, 2014: Veit Wiechert, "Large dimensional posets with planar cover graphs"
August 1, 2014: Linda Kleist, "On the complexity of recognizing unit proper contact graphs of unit regular polygons."
July 25, 2014: Steve Chaplick, "Clique Separators in Neighbourhood Subtree Intersection Graphs"
July 11, 2014: Nieke Aerts, "Touching Triangle Representations of Biconnected Outerplanar Graphs"
June 27, 2014: Piotr Micek, "Pathwidth and nonrepetitive colorings of graphs "
June 20, 2014: Stefan Felsner, "Abstract Ham-Sandwich Cuts and Selection in Arrangements"
June 6, 2014: Sarah Spoenemann, "Kombinatorische Eigenschaften von bichromatischen Punktmengen und Arrangements."
May 28, 2014: Udo Hoffmann, "(Pseudo) Vertex-Edge Visibility Graphs in Polygons."
May 23, 2014: Irina Mustaţă, "Intersection graphs of unit squares and partial grid graphs"
May 22, 2014: Mirjam Plietzsch: "Durchmesser von höheren symmetrischen Shift-Graphen"
May 19, 2014: Veit Wiechert, "Balanced Pairs in Sets of Orderings with many initial Elements "
May 2, 2014: Stefan Felsner, "Generating and counting perfect matchings in bipartite regular graphs "
April 25, 2014: Yannik Stein, "The Complexity Class 'Polynomial-Time Local Search' (PLS)"
April 17, 2014: Steve Chaplick, "On (K_{1,3},even-hole)-free graphs."
April 11, 2014: Linda Kleist, "On Area-Universal Contact Representations with Orthogonal Polygons."
April 4, 2014: Nieke Aerts, "Grid-Path Contact Representations."
March 28, 2014: Udo Hoffmann, "Slopes of bipartite segment intersection graphs."
March 21, 2014: Katinka Becker, "Counting triangulations and related structures."
March 14, 2014: Piotr Micek, "Lower bounds for on-line graph colorings"
March 7, 2014: Irina Mustaţă "Opaque forests"
February 28, 2014: Stefan Felsner, "Bookembeddings and topological bookembeddings"
February 14, 2014: Veit Wiechert, "On the Dimension of Posets that do not have a large Standard Example as a subposet."
February 7, 2014: Steve Chaplick, "Graph Traversals and Restricted Families of Graphs"
January 31, 2014: Jean-Philippe Labbé, "Counting singletons and related structures "
January 24, 2014: Linda Kleist, "On unit distance graphs. "
January 17, 2014: Nieke Aerts, "Triangle contact representation of a planar graph and its dual. "
January 10, 2014: Piotr Micek, "On the number of edges in families of pseudo-discs "
Talks in 2013:
December 20, 2013: Udo Hoffmann, "Slopes of k-dir graphs."
December 13, 2013: Irina Mustaţă, "Graceful labelings of graphs"
December 6, 2013: Veit Wiechert, "On the Dimension of Posets that have a Cover Graph of bounded Treewidth"
November 29, 2013: Kolja Knauer, "Connected Covering Numbers."
November 22, 2013: Stefan Felsner, "Basics of Multitriangulations."
November 22, 2013: Christoph Hansknecht, "Methoden zur Berechnung von Tabellenkartogrammen"
November 15, 2013: Piotr Micek, "Making Octants Colorful."
November 1, 2013: Michael Kaufmann, "Slanted Orthogonal Drawings."
October 25, 2013: Daniel Heldt, "A (q-analogon)^2 for the number of bounded Motzkin paths."
October 17, 2013: Björn Kapelle, "Anwendungen der Entladungsmethode"
October 17, 2013: Manuel Hensel, "Layer Aware Codes"
October 11, 2013: Linda Kleist, "Plane Cubic Graphs and the Air-Pressure Method"
October 4, 2013: Stefan Felsner, "Evaluating Determinants Combinatorially"
September 20, 2013: Udo Hoffmann, "Extending partial representations of circle graphs"
September 12, 2013: Laura Gellert, "Gradsequenzen von gerichteten Graphen."
September 6, 2013: Nieke Aerts,"Henneberg Steps for Triangle Representations"
August 30, 2013: Katharina Jochemko, "An order-theoretic generalization of Polya's enumeration theorem"
August 23, 2013: Irina Mustaţă, "Untangling two systems of non-crossing curves"
July 26, 2013: Daniel Heldt, "For some $\alpha$ the face flip markov chain on the set of $alpha$-orientations is not rapidly mixing on planar triangulations of degree \leq 7"
July 19, 2013: Veit Wiechert, "Unit Interval Graphs and Balanced Pairs"
July 12, 2013: Nieke Aerts, "Decompositions of optimal 1-planar graphs"
July 3, 2013: Stefan Felsner, "Generalized Schnyder woods and box contact graphs in higher dimensions"
June 28, 2013: Linda Kleist, "On the queue and track number of planar graphs"
June 26, 2013: Debajyoti Mondal, "Acyclic Coloring with Few Division Vertices"
June 21, 2013: Thibault Manneville, "Counting edges of linear extension graphs"
June 14, 2013: Irina Mustaţă, "On visibility and k-visibility graphs"
June 7, 2013: Udo Hoffmann, "Interval Dimension and Bipartite Graphs."
May 31, 2013: Stefan Felsner, "GIGs and Dimension"
May 28, 2013: Lydia Scheel, "Die Max-Algebra und ihre Anwendung in der Graphentheorie und Optimierung"
May 17, 2013: Nieke Aerts, "Not all (2,2)-tight graphs have an L-Contact representation, nor an L-Contact representation allowing degenerate L-shapes."
May 16, 2013: Henrik Schrezenmaier, "Ein Luftdruckparadigma zur Optimierung von Zerlegungen"
May 7, 2013: Thomas Hixon, "Hook Graphs and More"
May 3, 2013: Linda Kleist, "On a Geometric Partitioning Problem."
April 26, 2013: Irina Mustaţă, "On the Recognition of Orthogonal Ray Graphs"
April 19, 2013: Isabel Beckenbach, "Hall Bedingung für Hypergraphen"
April 19, 2013: Maurice Liebner, "Von perfekten Matchings zu stabilen Hochzeiten"
April 12, 2013: Veit Wiechert, "The Balanced Pair Conjecture for Antimatroids"
April 5, 2013: Udo Hoffmann, "Clique Minimal Separator Decomposition and Intersection Graphs of Trees in a Cactus."
March 28, 2013: Ariadne Bolz, "Algebraische obere Schranken für Codes"
March 22, 2013: Daniel Heldt, "The face flip markov chain is rapidly mixing on 2-orientations of plane quadrangulations of maximum degree 4"
March 15, 2013: Nieke Aerts, "Straight Line Triangle Representations"
March 8, 2013: Irina Mustaţă, "Orthogonal Ray Graphs and Trees"
March 1, 2013: Tobias Buchwald, "Domino Tilings auf dem Torus."
February 22, 2013: Nieke Aerts, "Extremal Graphs Having No Independent Cutsets"
February 15, 2013: Stefan Felsner, "Table Cartograms"
January 18, 2013: Udo Hoffmann, "Coloring Triangle-Free Rectangular Frame Intersection Graphs with O(log log n) colors."
January 11, 2013: Daniel Heldt, "The Shannon capacity of C_5"
Talks in 2012:
December 14, 2012: Nieke Aerts, "A characterisation of Generic Circuits."
December 7, 2012: Irina Mustata, "Efficient representations of unit grid intersection graphs"
November 30, 2012: Viola Mészáros, "Geometric graphs with few disjoint edges"
November 23, 2012: Stefan Felsner, "Exploiting Air-Pressure to Map Floorplans on Point Sets"
November 9, 2012: Matjaz Kovse, "Betweenness"
November 2, 2012: Kolja Knauer, "Partial Cubes: Lattices and Topology"
October 26, 2012: Udo Hoffmann, "Recognition of Simple-Triangle Graphs and Linear-Interval Orders is Easy"
October 19, 2012: Andrei Asinowski, "Orders induced by segments in floorplans, and (2-14-3, 3-41-2)-avoiding permutations"
October 12, 2012: Katharina Jochemko, "Arithmetic of marked order polytopes and monotone triangle reciprocity"
September 28, 2012: Tillmann Miltzow, "Unique Bichromatic Matchings"
September 21, 2012: Stefan Felsner, "Coloring rectangle intersection graphs"
August 31, 2012: Joachim Schröder, "Eigensequences; Kirchhoff and Graphs"
August 30, 2012: George B. Mertzios, "An Intersection Model for Multitolerance Graphs: Efficient Algorithms and Hierarchy"
August 28, 2012: George B. Mertzios, "The Intersection of Tolerance and Cocomparability Graphs"
August 24, 2012: Viola Mészáros, "Compatible matchings and planar straight line graphs"
August 10, 2012: Irina Mustata, "The jump number of 2-directional orthogonal ray graphs"
June 22, 2012: Nieke Aerts, "Straight Line Triangle Representation of a Graph"
June 8, 2012: Stefan Felsner, "Covering partial cubes with cuts"
June 1, 2012: Torsten Ueckerdt, "L-Contact and Segment-Contact is the same"
May 25, 2012: Kolja Knauer, "Drawing outerplanar graphs with few slopes"
May 11, 2012: Daniel Heldt, "Conductance, congestion and canonical paths of Markov chains"
May 4, 2012: Stefan Felsner, "A note on proportional contact representations"
May 2, 2012: Udo Hoffmann, "Recognition of Simple Triangle Graphs"
April 27, 2012: Irina Mustata, "Unit grid intersection graphs: Properties and relationships to other graph classes"
April 13, 2012: Viola Mészáros, "Graph Sharing Games"
March 30, 2012: Thomas Hixon, "Cyclic segment graphs and diagonal hook graphs"
March 28, 2012: Kristian Dannowski, "Chromatic Invariants of Shift Graphs and Kneser Graphs"
March 16, 2012: Bartosz Walczak, "The chromatic number of geometric intersection graphs"
February 17, 2012: Torsten Ueckerdt, "How many bends for one additional direction?"
February 10, 2012: Hao Chen, "The distance geometry for the kissing balls"
January 27, 2012: Veit Wiechert, "The dimension of posets with outerplanar cover or planar comparability graphs"
January 20, 2012: Marie Albenque, "Constellations and multicontinued fractions: application to Eulerian triangulations"
January 13, 2012: Stefan Felsner, "The graphs that can be drawn with one bend per edge"
January 6, 2012: Nieke Aerts, "Matchings that yield 'good' triangle representations"
Talks in 2011:
December 16, 2011: Irina Mustata, "2-Directional Orthogonal Ray Graphs"
December 2, 2011: Timo Strunk, "Labellings and decompositions of planar and toroidal quadrangulations"
November 25, 2011: Viola Mészáros, "The upper bound for separated matchings"
November 18, 2011: Daniel Heldt, "Three families of graphs with bad conductance for the face-flip Markov chain on α-orientations"
Ocotber 28, 2011: Marie Albenque, "Computing numbers with balls and urns"
Ocotber 21, 2011: Thomas Hixon, "Weak conflict free colourings"
October 14, 2011: Kolja Knauer, "The hull number of partial cubes"
October 7, 2011: Torsten Ueckerdt, "Crossing-free curves within pseudodiscs"
September 28, 2011: Bartłomiej Bosek & Grzegorz Matecki, "Generalization of Dilworth's Theorem and Semiantichain Conjecture"
September 23, 2011: Stefan Felsner, "Squaring the Torus"
September 16, 2011: Alex Sheive, "The Group Theory of Spinpossible"
September 14, 2011: Irina Mustata, "Jump number(s) of partially ordered sets"
September 7, 2011: Maximilian Werk, "Rhombische Pflasterungen von Dreiecken"
August 24, 2011: Daniel Heldt, "Sampling Schnyder-woods of planar triangulations with max degree ≤6"-- presentation of a result of Miracle, Randall, Streib & Tetali
August 23, 2011: Nieke Aerts, "Graphs that yield safe communication schemes"
August 17, 2011: Thomas Hixon, "The Tron Problem"
August 10, 2011: Marie Albenque, "Planar maps and continued fractions"
July 20, 2011: Kolja Knauer, "Cayley graphs of semigroups"
July 13, 2011: Thomas Picchetti, "How to compute a squaring?"
July 6, 2011: Stefan Felsner, "Trapezoidal dissections and Markov chains"
June 29, 2011: Jawaherul Alam, "Proportional Contact Representations with Rectilinear Polygons"
June 22, 2011: Raphael Traut, "Zeichnen von Ordnungen; Eine Experimentalstudie"
June 8, 2011: Torsten Ueckerdt, "Introducing the bar visibility number of a graph"
May 18, 2011: Irina Mustata, "Tolerance graphs as trapezoid graphs and NP-completeness"
May 11, 2011: Marie Albenque, "On the enumeration of simple symmetric quadrangulations"
May 4, 2011: Daniel Heldt, "Groebner bases for order theorists"
April 27, 2011: Veit Wiechert, "Planar Posets and Dimension 2"
April 20, 2011: Thomas Hixon, "Crossing a bridge at night"
April 13, 2011: Kolja Knauer, "A graph-theoretical axiomatization of oriented matroids"
March 16, 2011: Julia Rucker, "On Rectangle Contact Representations"
March 9, 2011: Kai Lawonn, "The Colin de Verdiere Graph Parameter"
March 2, 2011: Verena Richter, "Pflasterung orthogonaler Polygone mit Rechtecken"
February 23, 2011: Stefan Felsner, "Contact Representations of Planar Graphs with Weights"
February 16, 2011: Torsten Ueckerdt, "The Isometric Dimension of Median Graphs via a Generalization of Birkhoff's Representation Theorem"
February 9, 2011: Marie Albenque, "A bijection between fractional trees and pentagulations of girth 5"
January 26, 2011: Richard Sieg, "Dissections of polygons and the cylinder into triangles of equal areas"
January 19, 2011: Irina Mustata, "Grid Intersection Graphs"
January 12, 2011: Stefan Felsner, "Contact representations of planar graphs with cubes"
January 5, 2011: Torsten Ueckerdt, "Online Coloring of Bounded-Tolerance Graphs"
Talks in 2010:
December 15, 2010: Thomas Hixon, "On the crossing number of complete and complete bipartite graphs"
December 8, 2010: Daniel Heldt, "Some remarks on the behavior of a local operating Markov chain on the set of k-heights"
November 24, 2010: Veit Wiechert, "Planar posets and dimension"
November 10, 2010: Tobias Mueller, "Line arrangements and geometric graph classes"
November 3, 2010: Mathew C. Francis, "The class of segment graphs"
September 22, 2010: Stefan Felsner, "d-Schnyder structures"
August 25, 2010: Torsten Ueckerdt, "CAT-Enumeration of the Ideals of a Planar Poset"
July 21, 2010: Stefan Felsner, "Square Tilings and Extremal Length"
July 14, 2010: Daniel Heldt, "A glimpse at the kernel method and Knuth's approach to the ballot problem"
June 23, 2010: Petr Gregor, "Linear extension diameter of subposets of Boolean lattice induced by two levels"
June 9, 2010: Osmanbey Uzunkol, "Konstruktion elliptischer Kurven mit vorgegebener Ordnung"
May 19, 2010: Kolja Knauer, "Lattices and Set Systems"
May 12, 2010: Stefan Felsner, "Transitive orientation and vertex partitioning"
May 5, 2010: Daniel Heldt, "Walking on a path (with loops) II"
April 28, 2010: Till Miltzow, "Punkte mit grosser Quadrantentiefe"
April 21, 2010: Torsten Ueckerdt, "Coroutines and Hamiltonian Paths in Lattices"
April 14, 2010: Hendrik Lüthen, "Abzählprobleme für Pfade im Gitterstreifen"
March 31, 2010: Torsten Ueckerdt, "Enumerating all Ideals of a Poset - Some Special Cases"
March 24, 2010: Torsten Ueckerdt, "How far is a graph from being an interval graph?"
March 17, 2010: Kolja Knauer, "Edge-intersection graphs of grid paths"
March 10, 2010: Julia Rucker, "Triangle contact representations of plane graphs"
March 3, 2010: Agelos Georgakopoulos, "Hyperbolic graphs, fractal boundaries, and graph limits"
February 24, 2010: Stefan Felsner, "Antichains of (k+k)-free posets"
February 17, 2010: Tomasz Krawczyk, "On-line dimension of orders"
February 10, 2010: Bartosz Walczak, "Parity in graph sharing games"
February 3, 2010: Tom Trotter, "On the Size of Maximal Antichains and the Number of Pairwise Disjoint Maximal Chains"
January 27, 2010: Torsten Ueckerdt, "One way to generalize interval graphs: edge-intersection graphs of elbows in the plane grid"
January 20, 2010: Kolja Knauer, "Generalizing the order polytope"
January 13, 2010: Daniel Heldt, "Walking on a path (with loops) I"
January 6, 2010: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "Neues zum Satz von Hanani und Tutte"
Talks in 2009:
December 18, 2009: Andrea Hoffkamp, "Funktionales Denken im propädeutischen Analysisunterricht - Ansätze und empirische Befunde zu einem qualitativen Zugang durch Computereinsatz II"
December 16, 2009: Andrea Hoffkamp, "Funktionales Denken im propädeutischen Analysisunterricht - Ansätze und empirische Befunde zu einem qualitativen Zugang durch Computereinsatz I"
December 9, 2009: Stefan Felsner, "Lower bounds for on-line chain partitioning"
December 2, 2009: Bartłomiej Bosek & Tomasz Krawczyk, "A subexponential upper bound for the on-line chain partitioning problem"
November 25, 2009: Stefan Felsner, "Coding and Counting Arrangements of Pseudolines"
November 18, 2009: Torsten Ueckerdt, "The Balloon Popping Problem"
November 11, 2009: Stefan Felsner, "Planar Bipartite Posets"
November 4, 2009: Daniel Heldt, "Sensitivity of 3-heights on a path"
Ocotober 21, 2009: Till Miltzow, "Points with Some Quadrant Depth"
Ocotober 14, 2009: Kolja Knauer, "Polynomial Time Recognition of Cocircuit Graphs of Uniform Oriented Matroids"
Ocotober 7, 2009: Torsten Ueckerdt, "Enumerating all Ideals of a Poset"
September 30, 2009: Stefan Felsner, "Squarings of Quadrangulations"
September 16, 2009: Vincent Pilaud, "A failed construction of the multiassociahedron"
September 2, 2009: Mareike Massow, "Swap Colors in Linear Extension Graphs"
August 5, 2009: Daniel Heldt, "Layer decomposition of planar graphs"
July 22, 2009: Balchandra Thatte, "Reconstruction of Pedigrees"
July 15, 2009: Julia Pap, "Kernels and Sperner's Lemma"
July 8, 2009: Daniel Heldt, "Computational aspects of mixing heights"
June 31, 2009: Matjaz Kovse, "Topological representations of planar partial cubes"
June 24, 2009: Kolja Knauer, "Antimatroids, Polytopes and ULDs"
June 17, 2009: Torsten Ueckerdt, "(Linear) Induced Forests in Planar Graphs"
June 10, 2009: Stefan Felsner, "Condorcet Domains and Arrangements of Pseudolines"
June 3, 2009: Pavel Valtr, "On Triconnected and Cubic Plane Graphs on Given Point Sets"
May 27, 2009: Stefan Felsner, "Rectangular layouts: associated graphs and constructions."
May 13, 2009: Florent Becker, "Curry-Hähnchen zu Mittag (An Introduction to Curry-Howard and the Coq Proof-Assistant)"
May 6, 2009: Tobias Friedel, "Root Systems and Generalized Associahedra"
April 29, 2009: Sarah Li, "Adjacency Posets"
April 22, 2009: Mareike Massow, "Convex Partitions of the Permutahedron"
April 15, 2009: Jan Foniok, "Constraint Satisfaction and Category Theory: Constructing Tractable Templates"
March 25, 2009: Daniel Heldt, "A Short Introduction to Block Cipher Algorithms"
March 18, 2009: Anton Dochtermann, "Graph Homomorphisms and Reflection Positivity"
March 11, 2009: Torsten Ueckerdt, "On Quadrant-Depth - Closing the Gap"
March 4, 2009: Melanie Win Myint, "Compactness proofs for infinite graphs"
February 25, 2009: Stefan Felsner, "On Quadrant-Depth"
February 18, 2009: Kolja Knauer, "Generalized Chip Firing"
February 11, 2009: Mareike Massow, "Linear Extension Diameter of Boolean Lattices"
January 28, 2009: Stefan Felsner, "Sorting Pairs in Bins, aka 'Das Krawattenraetsel'"
January 21, 2009: Torsten Ueckerdt, "On the number of non-decreasing paths in grid graphs"
January 14, 2009: Mihyun Kang, "Yet Another Way of Counting Planar Graphs"
January 7, 2009: Paul Bonsma, "Avaloqix is strongly PSPACE-hard"
Talks in 2008:
December 17, 2008: Florent Becker, "Self-Assembling Tilings, Orders and Signal Systems"
December 10, 2008: Britta Peis, "Covering Graphs by Colored Stable Sets"
December 3, 2008: Bruno Benedetti, "Bipartite Graphs and Basic k-Covers"
November 26, 2008: Daniel Heldt, "A Reason Why Avaloqix Could Be 'Interesting' (i.e. NP-hard)"
November 19, 2008: Melanie Win Myint, "An Algebraic Characterization of Planar Graphs"
November 12, 2008: Mareike Massow, "The Boolean Lattice and its Linear Extension Diameter"
November 5, 2008: Sarah Li, "Characterization of Maps with Order Dimension at most 2"
October 29, 2008: Stefan Felsner, "Partitioning Boolean Lattices into Intervals"
October 22, 2008: Hal Kierstead, "Efficient packing via game coloring"
October 15, 2008: Torsten Ueckerdt, "How to Eat 4/9 of a Pizza"
October 8, 2008: Daniel Heldt, Jannik Matuschke and Madeleine Theile, "Avaloqix - A Max Flow Game"
September 10, 2008: Bartłomiej Bosek and Kamil Kloch, "Online Dimension of Semi-Orders with Representation"
September 3, 2008: Kamil Kloch and Piotr Micek, "Some Open Problems We Like"
July 30, 2008: Uwe Schauz, "Tutte's Flow Conjectures and Berlekamp's Switching Game"
July 16, 2008: Bernd Sturmfels, "Evolution on distributive lattices"
July 9, 2008: Torsten Ueckerdt, "Distributive polyhedra and related problems on weighted parameterized graphs"
July 2, 2008: Melanie Win Myint, "Cycles and Bicycles in Locally Finite Graphs II"
June 25, 2008: Felix Fischer, "Voting Caterpillars"
June 18, 2008: Melanie Win Myint, "Cycles and Bicycles in Locally Finite Graphs I"
June 11, 2008: Peter Allen, "A connection between Ramsey number and chromatic number"
June 4, 2008: Mareike Massow, "LINEAR EXTENSION DIAMETER is NP-complete"
May 28, 2008: Sarah Li, "Random Walks and Search Problems"
May 21, 2008: Ludmila Scharf, "Inducing Polygons of Line Arrangements"
May 14, 2008: Mareike Massow, "Linear Extensions in Diametral Pairs Don't Have to Be Reversing"
April 30, 2008: Paul Bonsma, "A 3/2-Approximation Algorithm for Finding Spanning Trees with Many Leaves in Cubic Graphs"
April 23, 2008: Uwe Schauz, "Mr. Paint and Mrs. Sandpaper"
April 16, 2008: Axel Werner, "Linkages in Polytope Graphs"
April 9, 2008: Bernd Sturmfels, "Permutohedra, Semigraphoids, and Mice"
March 19, 2008: Stefan Felsner, "Hamiltonicity Properties of Arrangement Graphs"
March 12, 2008: Kolja Knauer, "On Frankl's Conjecture"
March 5, 2008: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "k-Segments in Arrangements of Pseudolines"
February 27, 2008: Patrick Baier, "Distributed Computation of Virtual Coordinates"
February 20, 2008: Stefan Felsner, "Markov Chains and the Second Eigenvalue"
February 13, 2008: Moritz Schmitt, "The Spectrum of a Graph"
February 6, 2008: Anton Dochtermann, "Foldings and the Topology of Graph Homomorphisms"
January 30, 2008: Mareike Massow, "Reconstructing Posets from Linear Extension Graphs"
January 23, 2008: Kolja Knauer, "A Distributive Lattice on Pseudo-Flows"
January 16, 2008: Gesine Koch, "Counting Paths in Cube Configurations"
January 9, 2008: Paul Bonsma, "A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Finding Fullerene Patches"
Talks in 2007:
December 21, 2007: Graham Brightwell, "Polyhedral Methods for Linear Extensions of Partial Orders"
December 12, 2007: Sarah Li, "The Dictator Paradox"
December 5, 2007: Stefan Felsner, "Sorting Using Networks of Stacks and Queues"
November 28, 2007: Florian Zickfeld, "Leafy Trees in Planar Graphs"
November 21, 2007: Nina Siebold, "How to Draw an Order"
November 14, 2007: Leonid Ioffe, "Dimension Of Orders via Constraint Programming"
November 7, 2007: Patrick Baier, "Greedy Drawings of Planar Triangulations"
October 31, 2007: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "k-Level Complexity of Arrangements of (Pseudo-)Segments"
October 24, 2007: Kolja Knauer, "Construction of Steiner Triple Systems"
October 17, 2007: Martin Pergel, "Recognition and Optimization Problems on Geometric Intersection Graphs"
October 10, 2007: Balazs Keszegh, "Weak Conflict-Free Colorings of Point Sets and Simple Regions"
September 28, 2007: Florian Pfender, "Turan's Theorem for Multipartite Graphs"
September 19, 2007: Stefan Felsner, "Compact Drawings with Bends"
September 5, 2007: Mareike Massow, "Partitioning Posets"
August 29, 2007: Stefan Felsner, "Matchings and Edge Colorings in Regular Graphs"
August 8, 2007: Carolyn Chun, "Unavoidable Minors of c-connected Graphs"
August 1, 2007: Bertrand Marc, "2-Arrangements of Pseudolines"
July 25, 2007: Florian Zickfeld, "Leafy Trees"
July 18, 2007: Eric Fusy, "A bijection between loopless maps and triangulations"
July 11, 2007: Patrick Baier, "Digital Geometry"
July 4, 2007: Stefan Felsner, "Infeasibility of Arrangements"
June 27, 2007: Kamil Kloch, Tomasz Krawczyk and Piotr Micek "On-line Dimension of Intervals"
June 20, 2007: Kamil Kloch, "On-line Colouring of Intervals"
June 13, 2007: Olivier Bernardi, "Bijective Countings of Tree-Rooted Maps"
June 6, 2007: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "Planar Graphs are in 1-STRING"
May 23, 2007: Stefan Felsner, "On-line chain partitions of up-growing 2-dimensional orders"
May 16, 2007: Felix Breuer, "Perlenketten mit Quoten"
May 9, 2007: Mareike Massow, "Diametral Pairs of Linear Extensions of a Poset"
May 2, 2007: Florian Zickfeld, "Hardness of Counting Orientations with Fixed Out-Degrees"
April 25, 2007: Sarah Kappes, "Was ist ein semidefinites Programm?"
April 18, 2007: Patrick Baier, "Compass Routing"
April 11, 2007: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "Pseudo-Connections in the Plane"
April 4, 2007: Stefan Felsner, "Triangle Contact Representations of Graphs"
March 21, 2007: Andreas Hoffmeister, "Random sampling in distributive lattices"
March 7, 2007: Stefan Felsner, "Online Ramsey Theory"
January 31, 2007: Mareike Massow, "2-Dimensional Partial Orders Revisited"
January 24, 2007: Florian Zickfeld, "Counting Planar Eulerian Orientations is #P-complete" (Recent result by Paid?Creed)
January 17, 2007: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "How Many 3-Pseudosegments can a Pseudoline Arrangements have?"
January 10, 2007: Patrick Baier, "The Crossing Number of Geometric Complete Graphs"
Talks in 2006:
December 20, 2006: Stefan Felsner, "Arrangements of pseudolines; news, problems, and goodies."
December 13, 2006: Kolja Knauer, "α-Orientations and Regular Oriented Matroids"
December 6, 2006: Kolja Knauer, "α-Orientations and FlipFlops"
November 29, 2006: Sarah Kappes, "Kombinatorik orthogonaler Flächen"
November 22, 2006: Florian Zickfeld, "α-Orientations and Bipartite Perfect Matchings"
November 15, 2006: Leonid Ioffe, "Constraint Programming"
November 1, 2006: Martin Pergel, "On Complicacy of Graphs Representable by Polygons"
October 25, 2006: Dominik Piesker, "Spezialfälle der 'list edge coloring conjecture'"
October 18, 2006: Stefan Felsner, "Baxter and Schröder Families"
August 23, 2006: Patrick Baier, "Adaptive colouring of upgrowing posets"
July 19, 2006: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "Dominating pairs in AT-free graphs"
July 5, 2006: Stefan Felsner, "Counting Bipolar Orientations on the Grid"
June 28, 2006: Sarah Kappes, "Convex-Pseudo Decompositions"
June 20, 2006: Maria del Pilar Sabariego Arenas, "3-Loop Networks with many Minimum Distance Diagrams"
June 14, 2006:Eric Fusy, "Enumeration of Bipolar Orientations"
June 7, 2006: Johan Nilsson, "The Gupta-Newman-Rabinovich-Sinclair Conjecture"
May 31, 2006: Florian Zickfeld, "Integer Realizations of 3-Polytopes"
May 24, 2006: Stefan Felsner, "Proofs of Untileability"
May 17, 2006: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "Cocomparability graphs of posets with (interval) dimension at most two"
May 10, 2006: Patrick Baier, "Online Chain Partitioning of Upgrowing Interval Posets - The Upper Bound"
May 3, 2006: Mareike Massow, "Semi Bar 1-Visibility Graphs"
April 26, 2006: Harald Schülzke, "The Normal Graph Conjecture for line graphs"
April 19, 2006: Steffen Melang, "Bipolar Orientations"
April 5, 2006: Maria del Pilar Sabariego Arenas, "Circulant Graphs and Binomial Ideals"
March15, 2006: Florian Zickfeld, "On the Number of 3-Orientations of a Triangulation"
March 8, 2006: Sarah Kappes, "A binary labeling for the angles of a plane quadrangulation"
March 1, 2006: Johan Nilsson, "Reachability substitutes"
February 22, 2006: Stefan Felsner, "Two Algorithms for Bipartite Cardinality Matching"
February 8, 2006: Mareike Massow, "Bar 1-Visibility Graphs - Introduction and First Results"
February 1, 2006: Stefan Felsner, "Counting Linear Extensions"
January 25, 2006: Georg Melamed, "Skelette 3-dimensionaler Ordnungen"
January 18, 2006: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "A Representation of the Subset 'VPT' of Chordal Graphs as Intersection Graphs of Pseudosegments"
January 11, 2006: Patrick Baier, "The Upper Bound for Online Chain Covering of Upgrowing Interval Posets"
Talks in 2005:
December 14, 2005: Florian Zickfeld, "Schnyder Woods and Pairs of Non-Crossing Dyck Paths"
December 7, 2005: Stefan Felsner, "Box Graphs and Graph Dimension"
November 23, 2005: Viktor Blåsjö, "On the Braid Page of Gauss' Handbook 7"
November 23, 2005: Sarah Kappes, "Realizers for d-polytopes with d+2 vertices"
November 16, 2005: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "Relations within the class of intersection graphs"
November 9, 2005: Patrick Baier, "A special case of online chain covering of posets"
November 2, 2005: Stefan Felsner, "Dualization in Products of Chains"
October 26, 2005: Florian Pfender, "Visibility Graphs on Point Sets"
October 5, 2005: Mareike Massow, "What makes the treewidth large?"
September 21, 2005: Viktor Blåsjö, "Enumeration of Reduced Words in Combinatorial Group Theory "
September 14, 2005: Krisztián Tichler, "Lies and Hypercubes "
August 31, 2005: Florian Zickfeld, "A Schnyder Wood with no rigid AND coplanar embedding"
August 24, 2005: Sarah Kappes, "Orthogonal Surfaces - A combinatorial definition for characteristic points"
August 17, 2005: Eric Fusy, "Enumeration of d-polytopes with d+3 vertices"
August 10, 2005: Stefan Felsner, "Poset Polytopes and Linear Extensions"
July 13, 2005: Cornelia Dangelmayr, "Intersection Graphs"
July 6, 2005: Patrick Baier, "An upper bound for online chain covering"
June 29, 2005: Florian Pfender, "Closure and Hamiltonian Properties in Claw-free Graphs"
June 22, 2005: Kamil Kloch, "Partial Orders - fooling Alice"
June 15, 2005: Sarah Kappes, "What is an orthogonal complex?"
June 8, 2005: Krisztián Tichler, "A Combinatorial Property of Databases"
May 25, 2005: Dan Kral, "Claws and Paws"