Sandro M. Roch
Optimize the world through mathematics.
About me
Publications and Preprints
- Block coupling and rapidly mixing k-heights
with Stefan Felsner, Daniel Heldt and Peter Winkler.
Preprint available at: [arXiv:2410.08992] Supplemental code at GitHub: [url]
- Zufällige Erzeugung von Pseudogeradenarrangements (German)
(engl. Random generation of pseudoline arrangements)
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, vol. 32, no. 1, 2024, pp. 27-33.
Download: [url] [pdf]
- On exact covering with unit disks
with Ji Hoon Chun and Christian Kipp.
Extended abstract appeared in the Proceedings of the 40th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), 2024.
Extended abstract: [url] Preprint available at: [arXiv:2401.15821]
- Coloring problems on arrangements of pseudolines
Extended abstract to appeared in the Proceedings of the 40th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), 2024.
Extended abstract: [url] Preprint available at: [arXiv:2402.12564]
- Flip Graphs for Arrangements of Pseudocircles
with Yan Alves Radtke, Stefan Felsner, Johannes Obenaus, Manfred Scheucher and Birgit Vogtenhuber.
Proc. of the 2024 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2024.
Download: [url] [arXiv:2310.19711]
- Arrangements of Pseudocircles: On Digons and Triangles
with Stefan Felsner and Manfred Scheucher.
Computing in Geometry and Topology, vol. 3, no. 1, 2024, 11:1–11:18
Download: [url] [arXiv:2208.12110] [slides]
- Algorithmen zur Erzeugung zufälliger Pseudogeradenarrangements (German).
Master's Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Mathematik, Germany, 2021.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Stefan Felsner and Prof. Dr. Martin Skutella.
Download: [pdf]
- Sortieren in Netzwerken aus Stacks und Queues (German).
Bachelor's Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Mathematik, Germany, 2019.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Stefan Felsner and Prof. Dr. Martin Skutella.
Download: [pdf]
- Mini course: Una Introducción al Arraglo de Pseudolíneas
15.07.2024 - 19.07.2024, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia. Slides: [pdf] Exercises: [pdf]
- Seminar: Constructions in combinatorics via neural networks
Winter 2022: [Website]
- Teaching assistant of Discrete Geometry I
Summer 2022: [Website]
Workshops and conferences
- ECCO 2024 (VIII Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria)
Popayán, Colombia. [Website]
- EuroCG 2024 (European Workshop on Computational Geometry)
Ioannina, Greece. [Website]
- AYDN Summer School 2023 (2023 Summer School on Algorithm Engineering for Network Problems)
Potsdam, Germany. [Website]
- StuKon 23 (DMV Studierendenkonferenz)
Bremen, Germany. [Website]
- EuroCG 2023 (European Workshop on Computational Geometry)
Barcelona, Catalonia. [Website]
- GD 2022 (30th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization)
Tokyo, Japan (Online participation). [Website]
- Order & Geometry 2022
Ciążeń, Poland. [Website]
- Co-organizer of BMS-BGSMath Junior Meeting 2022
Barcelona, Spain. [Website]
- StuKon 22 (DMV Studierendenkonferenz)
Leipzig, Germany. [Website]
- ECCO 2022 (VII Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria)
Bogotá, Colombia. [Website]
- SoCG 2022 (38th International Symposium on Computational Geometry)
Berlin, Germany. [Website]
- 7th ArrDra workshop 2022 (D-A-CH problem solving workshop “Arrangements and Drawings”)
Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany.
- Joint workshop Berlin-Graz-Zürich 2022
Graz (Semriach), Österreich. [Website]
- EuroCG 2022 (European Workshop on Computational Geometry)
Perugia, Italien. [Website]
- Problem Solving Workshop 2022 (Facets of Complexity)
Chorin, Germany. [Website]
- Co-organizer of 10th BMS Student Conference 2022
Berlin. [Website]
- XVII Escuela de Verano en Matemáticas Discretas
Chile (Online). [Website]
- Workshop: Order and Geometry 2020
Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany. [Website]
- EuroCG 2021 (European Workshop on Computational Geometry)
St. Petersburg, Russia (Online). [Website]
- Fall school: Order and Geometry 2018
Sauen, Germany. [Website]
- Slides: Welt der Pseudogeraden
Mathematische Forschung verstehen, Freie Universität Berlin; 26.11.2024. [pdf]
- Slides: Random Generation of Pseudoline Arrangements
Coloquio de Matemática, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia; 23.07.2024. [pdf]
- Slides: Coloring problems on arrangements of pseudolines
Mittagsseminar 03.11.2023. [pdf]
- Slides: Erzeugung zufälliger Pseudogeradenarrangements (German)
DMV Studierendenkonferenz 2023 22.08.2022 (Preis für besten Vortrag). [pdf]
- Slides: A lower bound on the mixing time of Glauber dynamics
Mittagsseminar 14.07.2023. [pdf]
- Slides: Block coupling on k-heights
Mittagsseminar 12.10.2022. [pdf]
- Slides: Erzeugung zufälliger Pseudogeradenarrangements (German)
Dies Mathematicus 25.11.2022 (Preis für besten Vortrag). [pdf]
- Slides: Introduction to Hyperplane Arrangements
Mittagsseminar 12.10.2022. [pdf]
- Slides: Introduction to Cluster Algebras (Fomin, Williams & Zelevinsky, 2021)
Mittagsseminar 12.10.2022. [pdf]
- Slides: Arrangements of Pseudocircles: On Digons and Triangles
Facets of Complexity Monday Colloquium, 16.05.2022. [pdf]
- Slides: Constructions in combinatorics via neuronal networks (Wagner, 2021)
Mittagsseminar 22.04.2022. [pdf]
- Slides: Arrangements of pseudolines and pseudocircles
Joint workshop Berlin-Graz-Zürich. [pdf]
- Slides: Defense talk Master's thesis. [pdf]
- Slides: Defense talk Bachelor's thesis. [pdf]
- Slides: Submodular function optimization [pdf]
- Slides: A fast parametric maximum flow algorithm and applications [pdf]
- Poster: Sampling of random pseudoline arrangements. [pdf]
- Poster: The boxicity of graphs. [pdf]
- A brief introduction to abelian categories [pdf]
- Personal CV [pdf]