Michael Joswig: Presentations

This contains a selection of presentations given in recent years. Grows slowly.

Hypersimplices, tropical geometry and finite metric spaces

Presentation given 26 July 2024 at FPSAC 2024, Bochum. [pdf]

What is OSCAR?

Presentation given 03 July 2024 at OSCAR Boot Camp, TU Berlin. [pdf]

Quantum automorphisms of matroids

Presentation given 23 February 2024 at Seminar: Algebraic and Combinatorial Perspectives in the Mathematical Sciences, zoom. [pdf]

Flies and regular subdivisions

Presentation given 14 December 2023 at Geometric, Algebraic, and Topological Combinatorics, Oberwolfach. [pdf]

OSCAR, a tech preview

Presentation given 24 January 2020 at 11th polymake conference and developer meeting, MPI-MIS Leipzig. The OSCAR code is provided via Jupyter notebooks.

Monomial tropical cones for multicriteria optimization

Presentation given 20 February 2018 at Workshop on Combinatorics, polytopes, and complexity, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm [pdf]. For more details see this preprint (co-authored with Georg Loho).

Log-barrier interior point methods are not strongly polynomial

Presentation given 20 Oct 2017 at Bridging Continuous and Discrete Optimization, Simons Institute, Berkeley [pdf]. For more details see doi:10.1137/17M1142132 (co-authored with Xavier Allamigeon, Pascal Benchimol, Stéphane Gaubert).

Smooth Fano polytopes and their triangulations

Presentation given 20 April 2017 at 3C in G Workshop on Computational Algebra, King's College, Cambridge [pdf]. For more details see this article (co-authored with Benjamin Assarf and Andreas Paffenholz) and that preprint (co-authored with Benjamin Assarf and Julian Pfeifle).

Matroids from hypersimplex splits

Presentation given 24 June 2017 at Baer-Kolloquium, Gent [pdf]. For more details see the paper with the same title, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A (2017), co-authored with Benjamin Schröter.

Tight spans and matroid splits

Presentation given 29 July 2016 at RIMS, Kyoto [pdf].

The polymake XML file format

Presentation given at ICMS 2016 : 5th International Congress of Mathematical Software, ZIB, Berlin, 11-14 July 2016 [pdf]. For more details see the paper with the same title (co-authored with Ewgenij Gawrilow and Simon Hampe).

Tropical combinatorics

Presentation given at Hausdorff School: Economics and Tropical Geometry which took place 9-13 May 2016 [pdf]. For polymake demo code see the polymake Miscellanea.

polymake: Software for polytope constructions in linear and integer optimization

Presentation given at CO@Work 2015 which took place 29 Sep 2015 at ZIB, Berlin [pdf] For more details see the polymake Miscellanea.

Moduli of tropical plane curves

Talk given at MEGA 2015 which took place 15-19 June 2015 in Povo (Trento) [pdf]. For more details see the paper with the same title (co-authored with Sarah Brodsky, Ralph Morrison and Bernd Sturmfels).

Museums, triangles and algebraic curves

Talk given in the Meeting Einstein lecture series, Jüdisches Museum Berlin, 28 May 2015. [pdf]

Lattice polygons and real roots

Talk given at Séminaire CMAP/CMLS/LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, 21 April 2015 [pdf]. For more details see the papers Foldable Triangulations of Lattice Polygons (co-authored with Günter M. Ziegler) and Products of foldable triangulations (co-authored with Niko Witte).

Heuristics for sphere recognition

Talk given at Discrete, Computational and Algebraic Topology, Copenhagen, 10-14 Nov 2014 [pdf]. For more details see this paper co-authored with Frank H. Lutz and Mimi Tsuruga.

Which convex hull algorithm should I use?

Tutorial given at the ICMS 2014 in Seoul; [pdf] [code]. For more details see this paper co-authored with members of the polymake team.

polymake for integer linear programming

Talk given at the ISMP 2012 in Berlin [pdf].

Dressians, tropical Grassmannians, and their rays

Talk given at the CIEM, Castro Urdiales, 14 December 2011, at a conference on Tropical Geometry [pdf].

Tropical linear spaces, matroid decompositions, and tropical Grassmannians

Talk given in Frankfurt, 16 July 2010, at the PhD Students Conference on Tropical Geometry 2010 [pdf].

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