under construction
sparsity and integrality gap transference bounds for integer programs
jointly with Iskander Aliev and
Marcel Celaya
accepted for IPCO 2024; arXiv:2311.06605
extended version entitled sparsity and proximity transference in integer programming to appear in Math. Program. B.
accepted for IPCO 2024; arXiv:2311.06605
extended version entitled sparsity and proximity transference in integer programming to appear in Math. Program. B.
note on projection bodies of
with n+1 generators
Acta Mathematica Scientia, 45B(1), 2025, 1 - 8.
polynomial bounds in Koldobsky's discrete slicing problem
jointly with Ansgar Freyer
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 152(7), 2024, 3063 - 3074 arXiv:2303.15976
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 152(7), 2024, 3063 - 3074 arXiv:2303.15976
new bounds for the integer carathéodory rank
jointly with Iskander Aliev, Mark Hogan, Stefan Kuhlmann, and
Timm Oertel
SIAM J. Optim., 34(1), 2024, 190--200; arXiv:2211.03150
SIAM J. Optim., 34(1), 2024, 190--200; arXiv:2211.03150
on subspace concentration for dual curvature measures
jointly with Katharina Eller
Advances in Applied Mathematics, 151, 2023, 102581; arXiv:2302.09917
Advances in Applied Mathematics, 151, 2023, 102581; arXiv:2302.09917
Minkowski's successive minima in convex and discrete geometry
jointly with Iskander Aliev
Communications in Mathematics, 2023, 31, 35 - 59; arXiv:2304.00120
Communications in Mathematics, 2023, 31, 35 - 59; arXiv:2304.00120
affine subspace concentration conditions for centered polytopes
jointly with Ansgar Freyer and Christian Kipp
Mathematika, 69(2), 2023, 458 - 472; arXiv:2207.08477
Mathematika, 69(2), 2023, 458 - 472; arXiv:2207.08477
on the geometry of elementary flux modes
jointly with Alexander Bockmayr and Frederick Wieder
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2023, 87:50; biorxiv 2022.09.24.509324
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2023, 87:50; biorxiv 2022.09.24.509324
on lattice width of lattice-free polyhedra and height of Hilbert bases
jointly with Stefan Kuhlmann and Robert Weismantel
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 36, 2022, no. 3, 1918–1942; arXiv:2110.02893
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 36, 2022, no. 3, 1918–1942; arXiv:2110.02893
proximity bounds for random integer programs
jointly with Marcel Celaya
Math. Program. (B) (2022). online; Preprint 05-2020 TU Berlin, 2020
Math. Program. (B) (2022). online; Preprint 05-2020 TU Berlin, 2020
packing minima and lattice points in convex bodies
jointly with Matthias Schymura and Fei Xue
Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 10-1, 2021, 25–48; arXiv:2005.02234
Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 10-1, 2021, 25–48; arXiv:2005.02234
distance-sparsity transference for vertices of corner polyhedra
jointly with Iskander Aliev, Marcel Celaya, and Aled Williams
SIAM J. Optim., 31(1), 2021, 200 - 216; arXiv:2007.00950
SIAM J. Optim., 31(1), 2021, 200 - 216; arXiv:2007.00950
bounds on the lattice point enumerator via slices and projections
jointly with Ansgar Freyer
Discrete Comput. Geom. 2022, 67:895–-918; arXiv:2004.14097
Discrete Comput. Geom. 2022, 67:895–-918; arXiv:2004.14097
packings, sausages and catastrophes
jointly with Jörg M. Wills
Beiträge zur Algbera und Geometrie, 62, (2021), 265–280 preprint tu berlin-04/2020; (open access)
Beiträge zur Algbera und Geometrie, 62, (2021), 265–280 preprint tu berlin-04/2020; (open access)
discrete analogues of John’s theorem
jointly with Sören Berg
Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 8-4 (2019), 367-378; arxiv:1809.08943
Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 8-4 (2019), 367-378; arxiv:1809.08943
on successive minima-type inequalities for the polar of a convex body
jointly with Fei Xue
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113 (2019), no. 3, 2601–2616; arxiv:1809.08943
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113 (2019), no. 3, 2601–2616; arxiv:1809.08943
distances to lattice points in knapsack polyhedra
jointly with Iskander Aliev and Timm Oertel
Math. Programming Series A 182 (2020), 175–-198; arxiv:1805.04592
Math. Programming Series A 182 (2020), 175–-198; arxiv:1805.04592
a characterization of dual quermassintegrals and the roots of dual steiner polynomials
jointly with David Alonso-Gutiérrez and María A. Hernández Cifre
Adv. Math. 331 (20), 2018, 565-588; arXiv:1707.01675
Adv. Math. 331 (20), 2018, 565-588; arXiv:1707.01675
on the the log-minkowski inequality
for simplices and parallelepipeds
jointly with Hannes Pollehn
Acta Math. Hungar. 155 (1), 2018, 141-157.
Acta Math. Hungar. 155 (1), 2018, 141-157.
necessary subspace concentration conditions for the even dual minkowski problem
jointly with Hannes Pollehn
Adv. Math. 323, 2018, 114-141 temporary access; arXiv:1703.10528
Adv. Math. 323, 2018, 114-141 temporary access; arXiv:1703.10528
a note on lattice packings via lattice refinements
Experimental Mathematics 27(1), 2018, 1-9; preprint tu berlin,
subspace concentration of dual curvature measures
jointly with Károly Böröczky and Hannes Pollehn
J. Differential Geometry 109(3), 2018, 411 - 429; arXiv:1604.07390
J. Differential Geometry 109(3), 2018, 411 - 429; arXiv:1604.07390
integrality gaps of integer knapsack problems
jointly with Iskander Aliev and Timm Oertel
IPCO 2017, Waterloo, ON, Canada, June 26-28, 2017, Proceedings, 25-38; arXiv:1611.03768
IPCO 2017, Waterloo, ON, Canada, June 26-28, 2017, Proceedings, 25-38; arXiv:1611.03768
cone-volume measure and stability
jointly with Károly J. Böröczky
Adv. Math. 306, 2017, 24-50; arXiv:1407.7272
Adv. Math. 306, 2017, 24-50; arXiv:1407.7272
a discrete version of koldobsky's slicing inequality
jointly with Matthew Alexander and Artem Zvavitch
Israel J. Math. 222(1), 2017, 261–278; arXiv:1511.02702
Israel J. Math. 222(1), 2017, 261–278; arXiv:1511.02702
lattice point inequalities for centered convex bodies
jointly with Sören Lennart Berg
SIAM J Discrete Math 30(2), 2016, 1148–1158; arXiv:1505.06444
SIAM J Discrete Math 30(2), 2016, 1148–1158; arXiv:1505.06444
cone-volume measure of general centered convex bodies
jointly with Károly J. Böröczky
Adv. Math., 286, 2016, 703-721.
Adv. Math., 286, 2016, 703-721.
note on adelic triangulations and an adelic blichfeldt-type inequality
jointly with Carsten Thiel
Beiträge Algebra Geom., 57, 2016, 37–49; arXiv:1405.5798
Beiträge Algebra Geom., 57, 2016, 37–49; arXiv:1405.5798
on extensions of minkowski's theorem on successive minima
jointly with Matthias Henze and Maria Hernandez Cifre
Forum Math., 28(2), 2016, 311-326; arXiv:1405.4993
Forum Math., 28(2), 2016, 311-326; arXiv:1405.4993
note on the coefficients of rational
ehrhart quasi-polynomials of minkowski sums
jointly with Eva Linke
Online J. Anal. Comb. (10), 2015; pdf
Online J. Anal. Comb. (10), 2015; pdf
cone-volume measures of polytopes
jointly with Eva Linke
Adv. Math., 253, 2014, 50-62; arXiv:1305.5335
Adv. Math., 253, 2014, 50-62; arXiv:1305.5335
restricted successive minima
jointly with Carsten Thiel
Pacific J. Math., 269(2), 2014, 341-354; arXiv:1302.1407v2
Pacific J. Math., 269(2), 2014, 341-354; arXiv:1302.1407v2
integer points in knapsack polytopes and s-covering radius
jointly with Iskander Aliev and Eva Linke
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 20(2) (2013), #P42, arXiv:1211.3269
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 20(2) (2013), #P42, arXiv:1211.3269
löwner-john ellipsoids
Doc. Math., Extra Volume ISMP (2012) 95-106;
peprint uni magdeburg
steiner polynomials via ultra-logconcave sequences
jointly with Maria A. Hernandez Cifre and Eugenia Saorin
Commun. Contemp. Math. 14(6), 2012, arXiv:1112.4741v1
Commun. Contemp. Math. 14(6), 2012, arXiv:1112.4741v1
lll-reduction for integer knapsacks
jointly with Iskander Aliev
J. Comb. Optim. 24(4), 2012, 613-626; arxiv:1012.3182
J. Comb. Optim. 24(4), 2012, 613-626; arxiv:1012.3182
blichfeldt-type inequalities and central symmetry
jointly with Matthias Henze and Jörg M. Wills
Adv. Geom. 11(4), 2011, 731-744; preprint uni magdeburg
Adv. Geom. 11(4), 2011, 731-744; preprint uni magdeburg
generalized frobenius numbers: bounds and average behavior
jointly with Iskander Aliev and Lenny Fukshansky
Acta Arith. 155, (2012), 53-62; arxiv:1105.0841
Acta Arith. 155, (2012), 53-62; arxiv:1105.0841
notes on lattice points of zonotopes and lattice-face polytopes
jointly with Christian Bey, Matthias Henze and Eva Linke
Discrete Math. 311, 2011, 634-644; arxiv:1006.5574v2
Discrete Math. 311, 2011, 634-644; arxiv:1006.5574v2
on the location of roots of steiner polynomials
jointly with Maria A. Hernandez Cifre
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc., New Series 42 (1), 2011, 153-170, preprint uni magdeburg
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc., New Series 42 (1), 2011, 153-170, preprint uni magdeburg
representing simple d-dimensional polytopes by d polynomials
jointly with Gennadiy Averkov
Math. Prog. (A), 126(2), 2011, 203-230; arXiv:0709.2099v1
Math. Prog. (A), 126(2), 2011, 203-230; arXiv:0709.2099v1
feasability of integer knapsacks
jointly with Iskander Aliev
SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (2010), issue 6, 2978-2993; pdf
SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (2010), issue 6, 2978-2993; pdf
minimal zonotopes containing the crosspolytope
jointly with Eva Linke and Jörg M. Wills
Linear Algebra and its Applications 432 (2010), 2942-2952; preprint 2009/41 uni magdeburg
Linear Algebra and its Applications 432 (2010), 2942-2952; preprint 2009/41 uni magdeburg
expected frobenius numbers
jointly with Iskander Aliev and Aicke Hinrichs
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 118 (2011), 525 - 531; arxiv:0910.02620
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 118 (2011), 525 - 531; arxiv:0910.02620
coverings and compressed lattices
jointly with Maria A. Hernandez Cifre
Symmetry: Culture and Science, 22 (3-4), 2011, 307-316; preprint 2009/39 uni magdeburg
Symmetry: Culture and Science, 22 (3-4), 2011, 307-316; preprint 2009/39 uni magdeburg
integer knapsacks: average behavior of the frobenius numbers
jointly with Iskander Aliev
Mathematics of Operations Research, 34(3), 2009, 698-705; arxiv:0810.0234v1
Mathematics of Operations Research, 34(3), 2009, 698-705; arxiv:0810.0234v1
three-dimensional polyhedra can be described by three polynomial inequalities
jointly with Gennadiy Averkov
Discrete Comput. Geom.,42(2), 2009, 166-186; arXiv:0807.2137
Discrete Comput. Geom.,42(2), 2009, 166-186; arXiv:0807.2137
successive minima and radii
jointly with Maria A. Hernandez Cifre
Canad. Math. Bull., 52(3), 2009, 380-388; preprint 02/2008 uni magdeburg
Canad. Math. Bull., 52(3), 2009, 380-388; preprint 02/2008 uni magdeburg
lower bounds on the coefficients of ehrhart polynomials
jointly with Makoto Tagami
European J. Combinat., 30, 2009, 70-83; arXiv:0710.2665v1
European J. Combinat., 30, 2009, 70-83; arXiv:0710.2665v1
intrinsic volumes and successive radii
jointly with Maria A. Hernandez Cifre
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 343(2), 2008, 733-742; preprint 29/2007 uni magdeburg
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 343(2), 2008, 733-742; preprint 29/2007 uni magdeburg
a blichfeldt-type inequality for the surface area
jointly with Jörg M. Wills
Mh. Math.,154, 2008, 135-144; arXiv:0705.2088v1
Mh. Math.,154, 2008, 135-144; arXiv:0705.2088v1
notes on the roots of steiner polynomials
jointly with Maria A. Hernandez Cifre
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana, 24 (2), 2008, 631-644; arXiv:math.MG/0703373
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana, 24 (2), 2008, 631-644; arXiv:math.MG/0703373
polynomdarstellungen von polyedern (german)
Jahresberichte der DMV, 109, 2007, 51-69;
preprint 58/2006 uni magdeburg
notes on the roots of ehrhart polynomials
jointly with Christian Bey and Jörg M. Wills
Discrete Comput. Geom., 38 (1), 2007, 81-98; arXiv:math.MG/0606089
Discrete Comput. Geom., 38 (1), 2007, 81-98; arXiv:math.MG/0606089
minkowski's successive minima
jointly with Jörg M. Wills
Proceedings of ''The International Conference on Number Theory and Discrete Geometry'', Chandigarh, 2005; Editors: R. Balasubramanian, S.G. Dani, P.M. Gruber, R.J. Hans-Gill; Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 2008, 129-142; preprint 09/2006 uni magdeburg
Proceedings of ''The International Conference on Number Theory and Discrete Geometry'', Chandigarh, 2005; Editors: R. Balasubramanian, S.G. Dani, P.M. Gruber, R.J. Hans-Gill; Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 2008, 129-142; preprint 09/2006 uni magdeburg
on the existence of crepant resolutions of gorenstein abelian quotient singularities in dimensions >= 4
jointly with Dimitrios I. Dais and Günter M. Ziegler
Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics (Athanasiadis et al., eds.), Contemp. Math. (AMS), 423, 2007, 125-193; arXiv:math.AG/0512619
Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics (Athanasiadis et al., eds.), Contemp. Math. (AMS), 423, 2007, 125-193; arXiv:math.AG/0512619
lattice point coverings
jointly with George Tsintsifas
Chinese Advances in Mathematics, 36 (4), 2007, 441-446. preprint 29/2005 uni magdeburg
Chinese Advances in Mathematics, 36 (4), 2007, 441-446. preprint 29/2005 uni magdeburg
successive minima and best simultaneous diophantine approximations
jointly with Iskander Aliev
Mh. Math., 147 (2), 2006, 95-101; arXiv:math.NT/0503365
Mh. Math., 147 (2), 2006, 95-101; arXiv:math.NT/0503365
ehrhart polynomials and successive minima
jointly with Achill Schürmann and Jörg M. Wills
Mathematika, 52 (103/104), 2006, 1-16; arXiv:math.AG/0507528
Mathematika, 52 (103/104), 2006, 1-16; arXiv:math.AG/0507528
polynomial inequalities representing polyhedra
jointly with Hartwig Bosse and Martin Grötschel
Math. Prog. (A), 103:1, 2005, 35-44; arXiv:math.MG/0307190
Math. Prog. (A), 103:1, 2005, 35-44; arXiv:math.MG/0307190
free planes in lattice sphere packings
Adv. Geom. 5, 2005, 137-144;
on the equations defining toric l.c.i. singularities
jointly with Dimitrios I. Dais
Trans. Amer. Math. 535 (12), 2003, 4955 - 4984; arXiv:math.AG/0204172
Trans. Amer. Math. 535 (12), 2003, 4955 - 4984; arXiv:math.AG/0204172
on the representation of polyhedra by polynomial inequalities
jointly with Martin Grötschel
Discrete Comput. Geom. 29 (4), 2003, 485 - 504; arXiv:math.MG/0203268
Discrete Comput. Geom. 29 (4), 2003, 485 - 504; arXiv:math.MG/0203268
integral decomposition of polyhedra and some applications
in mixed integer programming
jointly with Matthias Köppe and Robert Weismantel
Math. Prog. (B). 94, 2003, 193-206; preprint 12/2000 uni magdeburg
Math. Prog. (B). 94, 2003, 193-206; preprint 12/2000 uni magdeburg
successive minima and lattice points
Rendi. Circ. Matematico Palermo, Serie II, Supppl. 70,
2002, 377-384;
diophantine approximations and integer points of cones
jointly with Robert Weismantel
Combinatorica, 22 (3), 2002, 401 - 408; preprint 29/97 zuse zentrum berlin
Combinatorica, 22 (3), 2002, 401 - 408; preprint 29/97 zuse zentrum berlin
on free planes in lattice ball packings
jointly with Günter M. Ziegler and Chuanming Zong
London Math. Soc. 34, no. 3, 2002, 284-290; preprint 04/2000 uni magdeburg
London Math. Soc. 34, no. 3, 2002, 284-290; preprint 04/2000 uni magdeburg
die starke-perfekte-graphen-vermutung (german)
jointly with Annegret Wagler
DMV-Mitteilungen3, 2002, 22-25; preprint
DMV-Mitteilungen3, 2002, 22-25; preprint
segments in ball packings
jointly with Chuanming Zong
Mathematika 47, 2000, 31-38; preprint 30/1999 uni magdeburg
Mathematika 47, 2000, 31-38; preprint 30/1999 uni magdeburg
densest lattice packings of 3-polytopes
jointly with Ulrich Betke
Computational Geometry 16, no. 3, 2000, 157-186; arXiv:math.MG/9909172
Computational Geometry 16, no. 3, 2000, 157-186; arXiv:math.MG/9909172
on minimal solutions of linear diophantine equations
jointly with Robert Weismantel
Contrib. Algebra and Geometry 41, (1), 2000, 49-55; preprint 02/1999 uni magdeburg
Contrib. Algebra and Geometry 41, (1), 2000, 49-55; preprint 02/1999 uni magdeburg
kugeln im computer - die kepler vermutung (german)
jointly with Günter M. Ziegler
in Alles Mathematik!, M. Aigner and E. Behrends eds., 2nd ed., Vieweg, 2002; preprint
in Alles Mathematik!, M. Aigner and E. Behrends eds., 2nd ed., Vieweg, 2002; preprint
la congettura di keplero (italian) in Problemi e teoremi, volume II, C. Bartocci and P. Odifreddi, Eiaudi, Torino, 2008;
spheres in the computer -- the
kepler conjecture (english)
in Mathematics Everywhere, M. Aigner and
E. Behrends eds., AMS, 2010
a counterexample to an integer analogue of carathéodory's
jointly with Winfried Bruns, Joseph Gubeladze, Alexander Martin and Robert Weismantel
J. Reine Angew. Math. 510, 1999, 179-185; preprint sc 98-28 zib
J. Reine Angew. Math. 510, 1999, 179-185; preprint sc 98-28 zib
random projections of regular polytopes
jointly with Károly Böröczky, Jr.
Arch. Math. 73, 1999, 465-473; preprint sc 97-21 zib
Arch. Math. 73, 1999, 465-473; preprint sc 97-21 zib
macht es der computer möglich? (german)
DMV-Mitteilungen 4, 1998, 58-60; preprint
all abelian quotient c.i.-singularities admit
projective crepant resolutions in all dimensions
jointly with Dimitrios I. Dais and Günter M. Ziegler
Advances in Mathematics 139, 1998, 194-239; arXiv:alg-geom/9704007
Advances in Mathematics 139, 1998, 194-239; arXiv:alg-geom/9704007
on crepant resolutions of 2-parameter series of gorenstein cyclic quotient singularities
jointly with Dimitrios I. Dais and Utz-Uwe Haus
Results in Mathematics 33, No. 3/4, 1998, 208-266; arXiv:math.AG/9803096
Results in Mathematics 33, No. 3/4, 1998, 208-266; arXiv:math.AG/9803096
randomized simplex algorithms on klee-minty cubes
jointly with Bernd Gärtner and Günter M. Ziegler;
Combinatorica 18 (3), 1998, 349-372; preprint
Combinatorica 18 (3), 1998, 349-372; preprint
finite packings of spheres
jointly with Ulrich Betke
Discrete Comput. Geom. 19, 1998 , 197-227; preprint 465-1995 tu berlin
Discrete Comput. Geom. 19, 1998 , 197-227; preprint 465-1995 tu berlin
note on lattice-point-free convex bodies
jointly with Poh Wah Awyong and Paul R. Scott
Mh. Math. 126, 1998, 7-12; preprint sc-96-44 zib
Mh. Math. 126, 1998, 7-12; preprint sc-96-44 zib
test sets of the knapsack problem and simultaneous diophantine approximatio
jointly with Robert Weismantel
Lecture Notes in Comp. Science 1284, Algorithms -ESA'97, R. Burkard and G. Woeginger eds., Springer, 1997, 271-283; preprint sc-97-13 zib
Lecture Notes in Comp. Science 1284, Algorithms -ESA'97, R. Burkard and G. Woeginger eds., Springer, 1997, 271-283; preprint sc-97-13 zib
the height of minimal hilbert bases
jointly with Robert Weismantel
Results in Mathemtics, 32, 1997, 298-303; preprint
Results in Mathemtics, 32, 1997, 298-303; preprint
note on shortest and nearest lattice vectors
Inform. Process. Lett., 61, 1997, 183-188; preprint 430-1995 tu berlin
inradii of simplices
jointly with Ulrich Betke and Lydia Tsintsifa
Discrete Comput. Geom., 17, 1997, 365-375; preprint
Discrete Comput. Geom., 17, 1997, 365-375; preprint
basic properties of convex polytopes
jointly with Jürgen Richter-Gebert and Günter
M. Ziegler
Discrete and Computational Geometry, J.E. Goodman and J. O'Rourke eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1997, Second Edition, 2004, 355-383; preprint 473-1995 tu berlin with updates
Discrete and Computational Geometry, J.E. Goodman and J. O'Rourke eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1997, Second Edition, 2004, 355-383; preprint 473-1995 tu berlin with updates
radii and the sausage conjecture
jointly with Károly Böröczky, Jr.
Canad. Math. Bull. 38(2), 1995, 156-166;
Canad. Math. Bull. 38(2), 1995, 156-166;
finite and infinite packings
Habilitationsschrift, Universität Siegen, 1995; preprint
a new approach to covering
jointly with Ulrich Betke and Jörg M. Wills
Mathematika, 42, 1995, 251-263; preprint 266-1994 uni siegen
Mathematika, 42, 1995, 251-263; preprint 266-1994 uni siegen
sausages are good packings
jointly with Ulrich Betke and Jörg M. Wills
Discrete Comput. Geom., 13, 1995, 297-311;
Discrete Comput. Geom., 13, 1995, 297-311;
finite and infinite packings
jointly with Ulrich Betke and Jörg M. Wills
J. Reine Angew. Math., 453, 1994, 165-191; preprint 262-1993 uni siegen
J. Reine Angew. Math., 453, 1994, 165-191; preprint 262-1993 uni siegen
some inequalities for planar convex figures
jointly with George A. Tsintsifas
El. Math., 49(3), 1994, 120-126; preprint
El. Math., 49(3), 1994, 120-126; preprint
intrinsic volumes and lattice points of
jointly with Ulrich Betke
Mh. Math. 115, 1993, 27-33; preprint 1992 uni siegen
Mh. Math. 115, 1993, 27-33; preprint 1992 uni siegen
successive-minima-type inequalities
jointly with Ulrich Betke and Jörg M. Wills
Discrete Comput. Geom., 9, 1993, 165-175; preprint 1992 uni siegen
Discrete Comput. Geom., 9, 1993, 165-175; preprint 1992 uni siegen
a generalization of steinhagen's theorem
jointly with Ulrich Betke
Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 63, 1993, 165-176; preprint 259-1992 uni siegen
Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 63, 1993, 165-176; preprint 259-1992 uni siegen
approximating the volume of convex bodies
jointly with Ulrich Betke
Discrete Comput. Geom. 10, 1993, 15-21; preprint uni siegen
Discrete Comput. Geom. 10, 1993, 15-21; preprint uni siegen
a generalization of jung's theorem
Geometriae Dedicata 42, 1992, 235-240; preprint uni siegen
estimating sizes of a convex body by
successive diameters and widths
jointly with Ulrich Betke
Mathematika 39, 1992, 247-257; preprint 251/1991 uni siegen
Mathematika 39, 1992, 247-257; preprint 251/1991 uni siegen
ungleichungen für sukzessive minima und
verallgemeinerte in- und umkugelradien
Dissertation, Universität Siegen, 1991;
linear programming by minimizing distances
jointly with Ulrich Betke
ZOR-Methods and Models of OR, 35, 1991, 299-307.
ZOR-Methods and Models of OR, 35, 1991, 299-307.
inequalities between successive minima and intrinsic
volumes of a convex body
Mh. Math., 110, 1990, 279-282.
ein polynomialer algorithmus zur lösung von linearen
optimierungsproblemen mit effizientem abbruchkriterium
Diplomarbeit, Universität Siegen, 1988.
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