About us
We are the Algebra and Number Theory research group of the Institute of Mathematics at Technische Universität Berlin.
Our name, KANT, is short for Computational Algebraic Number Theory with a slight hint at its German origin (Immanuel Kant). KANT is also the name of the sophisticated computer algebra system that has been developed under the project leadership of Prof. Dr. M. E. Pohst. (more about KANT)
We are furthermore involved in the research projects SCIEnce, QaoS, and GiANT.Members
- Prof. Dr. M. E. Pohst | MA805
- Prof. Dr. F. Hess | MA804
- Renate Schubert (Secretary) | MA828
- Oliver Voigt (System Administrator) | MA809
- Dr. Claus Fieker | Sydney
- Dr. Jürgen Klüners | Düsseldorf
- Dr. Sylla Lesseni | MA806
- Dr. Sebastian Pauli | North Carolina
PhD Students
- Nihal Bircan | MA807
- Thorsten Lagemann | MA827
- Jose Mendez | MA817
- Moritz Minzlaff | MA213
- Gerriet Möhlmann | MA807
- Osmanbey Uzunkol | MA811
- Marcus Wagner | MA812
- Jens Bauch | MA808
- Markus Böttle | MA808
- Taro Franke | MA808
- Sebastian Freundt | MA820
- Andre Jätzschmann
- Doris Kern | MA808
- Robert Klinzmann | MA808
- Jochem Lorenz | MA808
- Michael Mertke | MA808
- Ilko Müller
- Frauke Schulze
- Patrick Schweitzer | MA808
- Friederike Terbeck | MA808
- Benjamin Wardemann | MA808
- Cornelius Weber | MA808
10. Kryptotag

Der 10. Kryptotag wird am 20. März 2009 an der Technischen Universität Berlin stattfinden. (more)
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2008: KryptoLabor
Wir waren wieder bei der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften am 14. Juni 2008 mit dem KryptoLabor dabei. Allgemeine Informationen zur Langen Nacht finden sich hier.

The 7th Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium will take place from July 23 to July 28, 2006 at Technische Universität Berlin. (more)
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2006: KryptoLabor
Wir waren wieder bei der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften am 13. Mai 2006 mit dem KryptoLabor dabei. Hier gibt es die Aufgaben, die es im Kryptolabor zu lösen galt und hier die Beschreibung des RSA Kryptosystems.
Surprise Number Theory Conference
A suprise number theory conference is held on the occasion of Prof. Dr. M. E. Pohst's 60th Birthday from June 9th to June 11th, 2005. (more)
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2004: Mersennesche Primzahlen
Zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften haben wir das Thema der Mersenneschen Primzahlen gewaehlt.
KANT/KASH (Computer Algebra System)
What is KANT/KASH?
KANT is a computer algebra system for sophisticated computations in algebraic number fields that has been developed under the project leadership of Prof. Dr. M. E. Pohst at Technische Universität Berlin.
The KANT functions are accessible through a user-friendly shell named KASH (KAnt SHell) that is freely available.
Read more on the KANT/KASH Homepage!
Obtaining KANT/KASH
You can pick up the current release of KASH from our ftp server or from our download page. Most of the functionality of KASH is also available on the web using webkash.
Downloads of the KANT 4 SCSCP packages are available here.
A note on KASH3 and older versions of KASH
Many parts of KASH have been redesigned since the release of KASH 2.5. We must apologize that code written for KASH 2.x will not run under KASH3 without modifications. However, there still will be bug fixes and at least one more version of KASH 2.x which will be released in late 2005 or early 2006.
Further KANT/KASH related links
SCIEnce (Symbolic Computation Infrastructure for Europe)
The SCIEnce project brings together the developers of four powerful symbolic computation software packages (GAP, KANT, Maple and MuPAD) and a major symbolic computation research institute (RISC-Linx) supported by research groups expert in essential underpinning technologies, to unite the European community of researchers in, and users of, symbolic computation.
For more visit the KANT 4 SCSCP Packages homepage or the SCIEnce homepage!
QaoS (Querying Algebraic Objects System)
QaoS is a database interface implemented under the aspect of establishing a common gateway via web-browsers and computer algebra systems. QaoS is designed to fulfill modern demands for accessing large amounts of pre-computed algebraic data, both comfortably and fast.
Visit the QaoS Homepage or try QaoS here!
GiANT is a graphical interface for working with number fields. It dynamically provides the user with typeset information, diagrams, and drag-and-drop functionality. The result is a level of human-computer interaction which is difficult to achieve in a shell environment.
GiANT is written in Java 1.4 and runs on top of the computer algebra system KASH 2.5.
GiANT can be obtained from the GiANT homepage.
Die KANT Gruppe bietet folgende Studienschwerpunkte an:
Veranstaltungen WS 07/08
- Algebra II
- Kryptographie
- Oberseminar für Zahlentheorie
You can download the publications of members of the KANT group here.
Note that this list is not complete. Further publications can be found on the individual member homepages.