Prof. Dr. Michael Joswig

Einstein Professor of Discrete Mathematics/Geometry
Max Planck Fellow, MPI MiS Leipzig
Institut für Mathematik
der Technischen Universität Berlin
Sekretariat MA 6-2
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (30) 314 - 75904
Office: N.N.
Room: EN 060
Email: lastname at
OpenPGP: public key

Office hours: by appointment

I am interested in all aspects of polyhedral, tropical and algorithmic geometry, and this includes topics such as optimization, combinatorial topology and applications to biology. See here for an overview of ongoing and past projects. Moreover, I like to design and apply mathematical software, the main projects being polymake and OSCAR.

Letters of Recommendation: I am willing to write letters for deserving candidates, but please read Frank Sottile's note on this subject before asking me for a letter. Frank's comments apply to you and me as well.


Books (Selection)

Teaching and Seminars

Winter 2023/24
  • Discrete Geometry II, VL4+2+2

The research seminar on discrete and convex geometry takes place each Wednesday at 16:30 CET/CEST; currently in EN 058.

Here are some general remarks concerning student theses (in German).

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Last modified: Wed Dec 18 14:55:27 UTC 2024 by joswig