Lectures on Planar Graphs
Sommersemester 2008
Prof. Stefan Felsner
LV-Nr.: 0230 L 253
Mo 10-12, MA 542
Di 10-12, MA 542
; --->
contents of individual lectures
Verena Richter macht ihre geTeXte Mitschrift dankenswerterweise verfügbar:
Planar graphs are very appealing objects. Drawings and visualizations make it pleasent to work with them, still they connect to other importent mathematical fields, e.g., topology or statistical physics. I hope to prove to my audience that there is a lot of beautiful mathematics in planar graphs. A selection of topics for the course:
Jordan curve theorem and dual graphs
Euler's formula
Hanani-Tutte theorem
Planarity testing algorithms
Drawings of planar graphs
Steinitz theorem
Counting planar structures
Floor plans and squarings
Coloring planar graphs
Hamiltonicity: Tutte's theorem and Barnette's conjecture
Pfaffian orientations and the Tutte polynomial
Lattices of orientations
Art gallery problems
Delaunay triangulations
Crossing numbers and geometric graphs
Planar posets
Prerequisites and Context:
Some basic knowledge in linear algebra and graph theory will be helpful.
The cours is part of the "Discrete Structures" course series, see
Diskrete Strukturen
Di 14-16
MA 542
In the first exercise session we will settle the format of the exercises.
As a wrmup yo may try the following:
Find a planar embedding (i.e., an embedding without crossing edges) of the following graph:
Find all possible ways of placing four points in the plane such that their pairwise distances take only two values.
Large parts of the course will be based on original journal articles. The following is a list of books containing relevant material:
B. Mohar & C. Thomassen: Graphs on Surfaces
M. Aigner: Graphentheorie, eine Entwicklung aus dem 4-farben Problem
T. Nishizeki & N. Chiba: Planar Graphs, Theory and Algorithms
W.T. Trotter (ed): Planar Graphs
Skript zu meiner Graphentheorie Vorlesung im WS05/06, erstellt vom Christine Puhl und Gesine Koch
G. Di Battista & P. Eades & R. Tamassia & I.G. Tollis: Graph Drawing, Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs
D.B. West: Introduction to Graph Theory
B. Bollobas: Modern Graph Theory
S. Felsner: Geometric Graphs and Arrangements
R. Diestel: Graphentheorie
Zuletzt bearbeitet 8. April 2008