Institut für Mathematik
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Email: m.zahoranskyvonworlik
at tu-berlin
dot de
Office: TEL708
Office hours: Fri, 11am-1pm
Phone: +49 30 314 24772
Research interests and background
My primary research area is geometric knot theory and low-dimensional topology. I am particularly interested in knots and links in 3-manifolds that are distinct from the 3-sphere, as well as periodic tangled structures in R3. My current research project deals with finding a classification of links in the 3-torus that arise as images of periodic tangles under the quotient map. You can say one of the following keywords if you want to grab my attention: (multivariate) Alexander polynomial, hyperbolic knot, bracket polynomial, commensurability of knots. My papers and preprints are on my research page.
I am not doing any teaching this semester. Older teaching is listed on my teaching page.
Current and upcoming activities
- Nov 2023: Berlin-Brandenburg Workshop II: Knot Theory and its Application, FU Berlin
Older activities are listed on my activities page.