My mathematical interests are Tropical Geometry and Optimization. I am also keen on applications, e.g. to phylogenetics or data science.

My M.Sc. project was on p-adic tropicalization of polytopes. I studied how the possible images look like and I tried to recover as much of the original object as possible, considering that we know the tropicalizations for different primes.

Journal publications:

1. Andrei Comăneci, Michael Joswig: Asymmetric tropical distances and power diagrams. Algebr. Comb. 6, No. 5, 1211–1233 (2023).

2. Andrei Comăneci, Michael Joswig: Tropical medians by transportation. Math. Program. 205, No. 1–2, 813–839 (2024).

3. Andrei Comăneci: On Fryszkowski’s problem. Stud. Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, Math. 62, No. 4, 537–542 (2017).


1. Andrei Comăneci, Michael Joswig: Parametric Fermat–Weber and tropical supertrees. arXiv:2211.06328

2. Andrei Comăneci, Frank Plastria: Breakdown points of Fermat–Weber problems under gauge distances. arXiv:2306.13424

3. Andrei Comăneci: Tropical convexity in location problems. arXiv:2307.04465

Selected talks (* invited):

1. A tropical approach to consensus tree methods, MathSEE Symposium, September 27–29, 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany.

2.* Tropical Convexity and Phylogenetic Trees, Maths Volunteers short course, August 26, 2023, online.

3.* Tropical medians by transportation, Applications of Tropical Geometry in Leipzig–Berlin, March 17, 2023, Leipzig, Germany.

4. Tropical medians by transportation, SIGOPT 2023 International Conference on Optimization, March 14–16, 2023, Cottbus, Germany.

5.* Tropical Geometry in Data Analysis and Machine Learning, Probability seminar at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, February 27, 2023, Bucharest, Romania.

6. Tropical convexity and consensus trees, 3th BMS–BGSMath Junior Meeting, September 5–7, 2022, Barcelona, Spain.

7.* Tropical Medians by Transportation, Facets of Complexity Monday Colloquium, June 13, 2022, Berlin, Germany.

8.* Tropical medians, transportation, and consensus trees, Seminar on Nonlinear Algebra, June 1, 2022, Leipzig, Germany.

9. Sums of Squares, 8th BMS Student Conference, February 20, 2020, Berlin, Germany.