I am a Lecturer and PostDoc in the Numerical Linear Algebra group of Jörg Liesen. My research interests lie within numerical mathematics and complex analysis.
Publications and Talks
Recent publications and preprints
Journal publications
Number and location of pre-images under harmonic mappings in the plane
with Olivier Sète, Annales Fennici Mathematici, 46(1), 225--247, 2021.
A Newton method for harmonic mappings in the plane
with Olivier Sète, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 40(4), 2777--2801, 2020.
How constant shifts affect the zeros of certain rational harmonic functions
with Jörg Liesen, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 18(4), 583--607, 2018.
The maximum number of zeros of r(z)−z̅ revisited
with Jörg Liesen, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 18(3), 463--472, 2018.
Selected talks and presentations
On the zeros of harmonic mappings: analysis, computation and application
PhD thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University Berlin, 2022
Die Nullstellen spezieller rationaler harmonischer Funktionen und der Gravitationslinseneffekt
Master's thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University Berlin, 2016
Awarded as best Master's degree at Dies Mathematicus 2016.
Polyanalytische Polynome und verallgemeinerte Lanczosalgorithmen
Bachelor's thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University Berlin, 2013.
I was a lecturer and teaching assistant for the following courses at TU Berlin.
Summer semester 2025: Analysis III for Engineering Sciences
Summer semester 2025: Mathematics II for Economics
Summer semester 2025: Pre-course Mathematics (for mathematicians)
Winter semester 2024/25: Numerical Linear Algebra
Winter semester 2024/25: Mathematics I for Economics
Winter semester 2024/25: Pre-course Mathematics (for mathematicians)
Summer semester 2024: Mathematics II for Economics
Summer semester 2024: Matrix functions
Summer semester 2024: Pre-course Mathematics (for mathematicians)
Winter semester 2023/24: Mathematics I for Economics
Winter semester 2023/24: Pre-course Mathematics (for mathematicians)
Summer semester 2023: Pre-course Mathematics (for mathematicians)
Winter semester 2022/23: Pre-course Mathematics (for mathematicians)
Teaching assistant
Winter semester 2023/24: Numerical Linear Algebra
Summer semester 2023: Analysis I and Linear Algebra for Engineering Sciences
Winter semester 2022/23: Analysis I and Linear Algebra for Engineering Sciences
Winter semester 2022/23: Numerical Linear Algebra
Summer semester 2022: Analysis I and Linear Algebra for Engineering Sciences
Summer semester 2021: Linear Algebra II
Winter semester 2020/21: Linear Algebra I
Summer semester 2020: Linear Algebra II
Winter semester 2019/20: Linear Algebra I
Winter semester 2018/19: Linear Algebra II
Summer semester 2018: Linear Algebra I
Summer semester 2017: Analysis II for Engineering Sciences
Winter semester 2016/17: Linear Algebra for Engineering Sciences