Dr. Jan Zur

Email: zur at math.tu-berlin.de

TU Berlin
Institute of Mathematics
Numerical Linear Algebra group
Straße des 17. Juni 136,
10623 Berlin, Germany

Office: MA 373


I recently completed my PhD at TU Berlin in the Numerical Linear Algebra group of Jörg Liesen. My research interests lie within numerical mathematics and complex analysis.

Publications and Talks

Recent publications and preprints

Journal publications

Selected talks and presentations



  • On the zeros of harmonic mappings: analysis, computation and application
    PhD thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University Berlin, 2022
  • Die Nullstellen spezieller rationaler harmonischer Funktionen und der Gravitationslinseneffekt
    Master's thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University Berlin, 2016
    Awarded as best Master's degree at Dies Mathematicus 2016.
  • Polyanalytische Polynome und verallgemeinerte Lanczosalgorithmen
    Bachelor's thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University Berlin, 2013.


I was a teaching assistant for the following courses at TU Berlin.