Igor Makhlin

Picture Igor Makhlin

About Me

I am a mathematician working in algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry, Lie theory/representation theory and other fields. Since 2023 I am a postdoc at TU Berlin in Michael Joswig's "Discrete Mathematics/Geometry" research group. Until 2022 I worked at Skoltech and HSE in Moscow and prior to that I was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.

The "k" in my last name is silent, the "h" is not.

CV and publications

My detailed CV (updated 21.11.2024).

My papers on the arXiv (in slightly non-chronological order). Some of my published work on ORCID.

Teaching and seminars

In WS 2024/25 I am giving lectures for the "Topology" course at TU Berlin, for details please refer to the ISIS page or contact me directly.

I currently co-organize the Discrete Mathematics and Discrete Geometry seminar at TU Berlin, please email me for questions concerning this seminar.

In 2019-2022 I co-organized the now-defunct HSE/Skoltech Seminar on Lie algebras and applications. We had a good run, a detailed archive and many recordings are still available.


You can reach me at iYmakhlin@gmail.com.

My office at TU Berlin is EN 056, this is in the "Elektrotechnik-Neubau" building, Einsteinufer 17.