TU-Berlin → Inst. f. Mathematik → Algebra und Zahlentheorie → KASH → Documentation → Reference Manual
KASH3 Reference Manual




In an expression like '(9 - 7) * (5 + 6)' the constants '5', '6', '7', and '9' are being composed by the operators '+', '*' and '-' to result in a new value.

There are three kinds of operators in KASH3, arithmetical operators, comparison operators, and logical operators.KASH3 knows a precedence between operators that may be overridden by parentheses.

You have already seen that it is possible to form the sums, differences, and products. The remaining arithmetical operators are exponentiation '^' and 'mod'.

A comparison result is a boolean value. Integers, rationals and real numbers are comparable via '=', '<', '<=', '>=', '>' and '<>'; algebraic elements, ideals, matrices and complex numbers can be compared via '=' and '<>'. Membership of an element in a structure can be tested eith 'in'.

The boolean values 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' can be manipulated via logical operators, i.e., the unary operator 'not' and the binary operators 'and' and 'or'.


Built: Mon Nov 14 21:12:39 UTC 2005 on mack
The KANT Group