Papers accepted for EuroComb'05
- Nonrepetitive colorings of graphs
Noga Alon and Jarek Grytczuk
- Distance graphs with maximum chromatic number
Javier Barajas and Oriol Serra
- The game of arboricity
T. Bartnicki, J.A Grytczuk and H.A Kierstaed
- An upper bound for the chromatic number of line graphs
A.D. King, B.A. Reed and A. Vetta
- Color critical hypergraphs and forbidden configurations
R. Anstee, B. Fleming, Z. Furedi and A. Sali et al.
- On the L(p,1)-labelling of graphs
Daniel Goncalves
- Labeling planar graphs with a condition at distance two
P. Bela, D. Kral, B. Mohar and K. Quittnerova
- Local chromatic number and topological properties of graphs
Gabor Simonyi and Gabor Tardos
- Acyclic coloring of graphs with maximum degree Delta
Guillaume Fertin and Andre Raspaud
- Discrepancy of products of hypergraphs
Benjamin Doerr, Michael Gnewuch and Niels Hebbinghaus
- Linear choosability of graphs
L. Esperet, M. Montassier and A. Raspaud
- Negative results on acyclic improper colorings
Pascal Ochem
- Improper colouring of (random) unit disk graphs
R.J. Kang, T. Mueller and J.-S. Sereni
- Relaxed two-coloring of cubic graphs
Robert Berke and Tibor Szabo
- Colouring random geometric graphs
C.J.H. McDiarmid and T. Muller
- Packing three-vertex paths in a subcubic graph
A.Kosowski, M. Malafiejski and P. Zylinski
- Matchings, Hamilton cycles and cycle packings in uniform hypergraphs
Daniela Kuehn and Deryk Osthus
- Equivalent subgraphs of order 3
Tomoki Nakamigawa
- Packing triangles in low-degree graphs and indifference graphs
Gordana Manic and Yoshiko Wakabayashi
- Multigraph decomposition into multigraphs with two underlying edges
Miri Priesler and Michael Tarsi
- Representaion of edge intersection graphs of paths in a tree
Martin C. Golumbic, Marina Lipsteyn and Michal Stern
- Hypertree width and related hypergraph invariants
Isolde Adler, Georg Gottlob and Martin Grohe
- Directed one-trees
William Evens and Mohammad Ali Safari Ghahsareh
- Decomposition of graphs and definitions with no quantifier alternation
Oleg Pikhurko, Joel Spencer and Oleg Verbitsky
- Hamiltonian chains in hypergraphs
Gyula Y. Katona
- Spanning paths in hypercubes
Tomas Dvorak, Peter Gregor and Vaclav Koubek
- K^-_l-factors in graphs
Daniela Kuehn and Deryk Osthus
- Every 3-connected, essentially 11-connected line graph is hamiltonian
Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao, Ju Fhou and Hehui Wu
- Matroid matching with Dilworth truncation
Marton Makai
- Connected tau-critical hypergraphs of minimal size
Matej Stehlik
- A characerization of extremal graphs with no matching-cut
Ps Bonsma
- Hamitlonian cycles in torical lattices
- Cycles intersecting edge-cuts of prescribed sizes
Tomas Kaiser and Riste Skrekovski
- Minor-monotone crossing number
Drago Bokal, Gasper Fijavz and Bojan Mohar
- Removing even crossings
Michael J. Pelsmajer, Marcus Schaefer and Daniel Stefankovic
- Largest cliques in connected supermagic graphs
Anna Llado
- Mader tools
Frank Goering
- Kernel perfect and critical kernel imperfect digraphs structure
Hortensia Galeana-Sanchez and Mucuykak Guevara
- The windy postman problem on series-parallel graphs
Francisco Javier Zaragoza Martinez
- Pebble game algorithms and (k,l)-sparse graphs
Audrey Lee and Ileana Streinu
- An algorithm for finding a strong stable set or a Meyniel obstruction in a graph
Kathie Cameron and Jack Edmonds
- Monotone Boolean functions with s zeroes farthest from threshold functions
Kazuyuki Amano and Jun Tarui
- A min-max theorem about the road coloring conjecture
Rajneesh Hegde and Kamal Jain
- Fast separation in a graph with an excluded minor
Bruce Reed and David R. Wood
- Supermodularity of chains and complexity of maximum constraint satisfaction problems
V. Deineko, P. Jonsson, MIkael Klasson and A. Krokhin
- Deterministic random walks on the integers
J. Cooper, B. Doerr, J. Spencer and G. Tardos
- Weak positional games on hypergraphs of rank three
Martin Kutz
- An extremal problem on labelled directed trees and applications to database theory
Gyula O.H. Katona and Krisztian Tichler
- Crooked maps in finite fields
Gohar Kyureghyan
- On the Grone-Merris conjecture
Tamon Stephen
- On the 3/4-conjecture for fix-free codes
Christian Deppe and Holger Schnettler
- Hadamard matrices of order 36 and double-even self-dual [72,36,12] codes
Iliya Bouyukliev, Veerle Fack and Joost Winne
- Improving the Gilbert-Varshamov bound for q-ary codes
Van Vu and Lei Wu
- On the minimal blocking sets of the generalized quadrangle Q(4,q)
M. Cimrakova and V. Fack
- On the enumeration of uniquely reducible double designs
V. Fack, S. Topalova and J. Winne
- On the minimum number of completely 3-scrambling permutations
Jun Tarui
- Counting polyominoes on twisted cylinders
G. Barequet, M. Moffie, A. Ribo and G. Rote
- On the number of series parallel and outer planar graphs
Manuel Bodirsky, Omer Gimenez, Mihyun Kang and Marc Noy
- Enumeration of walks reaching a line
Philippe Nadeau
- Pairwise intersections and forbidden configurations
R. P. Anstee and P. Keevash
- Quadratic LYM-type inequalities for intersecting Sperner families
Christian Bey
- Permutations with short monotone subsequences
Dan Romik
- Chromatic Turan problems and a new upper bound for the Turan density of K_4^-
John Talbot
- Structure of spaces of rhombus tilings in the lexicographic case
Eric Remila
- On the Frobenius problem of three numbers
F. Aguilo-Gost and A. Miralles
- Maximal sets of integers not containing k+1 pairwise coprimes and having divisors from a specified set of primes
Vladimir Blinovsky
- Excluded subposets in the Boolean lattice
G. O. H. Katona
- Density of universal classes of seriess-parallel graphs
Jaroslav Nesetril and Yared Nigussie et al.
- A probabilistic counting lemma for complete graphs
Stefanie Gerke, Martin Marciniszyn and Angelika Steger
- Infinite limits of the duplication model and graph folding
Anthony Bonato and Jeannette Janssen
- Balanced avoidance games on random graphs
Martin Marciniszyn, Dieter Mitsche and Milos Stojakovic
- Degree-correlation of scale-free random graph process
Zoran Nikoloski, Narsingh Deo and Ludek Kucera
- Random inscribing polytopes
Ross M. Richardson, Van H. Vu and Lei Wu
- On periodicity and low complexity of infinite permutations
Dimitri G. Fon-Der-Flaass and Anna E. Frid
- Non-returning A-paths algorithmically
Gyula Pap
- Brylawski's decomposition of NBC complexes of abstract convex geometries and their associated algebras
Masataka Nakamura et al.
- A sufficient condition for bicolorable hypergraphs
David Defossez et al.