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KASH3 Reference Manual




rec( kind:= <string>, name:= <string>, sin := <list(list(type,string))>, opt := <list(list(type,string,string))>, sou := <list(list(type,string))>, syntax := <string>, short := <string>, ex := <list(string)>, see := <list(string)> author := <list(string)> )


Documentation is stored in the global list '__DOC'. Its elements are records of the form given above.

'kind' must be "CONSTANT" or "FUNCTION" or "KEYWORD" or "OPERATION" or "STATEMENT" or "TYPE".

'name' is the name of the object being documented.

'sin' is the input signature as a list of lists containing the type and a name for the parameter, mandatory for "FUNCTION" and "OPERATION".

'opt' is a list of optional arguments containing types and names comments.

'sou' is the output signature (return values) if the name of the first return value is r the other return values are called r.ext1, r.ext2 and so on mandatory for "CONSTANT" and "FUNCTION" and "OPERATION".

A 'syntax' entry can be added if 'name', 'sin', and 'sou' do not describe the syntax sufficiently.

'short' contains a description of the purpose of the object.

'ex' is a list of examples, one example per string. By convention all variables in example start with 'x_'.

'see' contains a list of references to related things as hash strings.

Built: Mon Nov 14 21:12:39 UTC 2005 on mack
The KANT Group