Wir werden das Thema durch gemeinsame lektüre
erarbeite. Grundlagen sind das Buch von Jiri Matousek
"Using the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem" sowie Lecture-Notes
von Matousek, Björner und Ziegler
"Around Brower's fixed point theorem"
(ArXiv: 1409.7890).
Einige Worte aus dem Vorwort des Buches: A number of
important results in combinatorics, discrete geometry, and theoretical
computer science have been proved by surprising applications of
algebraic topology. Lovasz's striking proof of Kneser's conjecture
from 1978 is among the first and most prominent examples, dealing with
a problem about finite sets with no apparent relation to
topology. This book aims at making elementary topological methods more
easily accessible to nonspecialists in topology. It covers a number of
substantial combinatorial and geometric results, and at the same time,
it introduces the required material from algebraic topology.
Studentinnen und Studenten der
Mathematik, Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik
Dieses Seminar wird im Rahmen des Studienschwerpunkts
Diskrete Strukturen empfohlen.